Bro 4/5 m80 player's have EU nationality so that means they can all still player together in EMEA league Karmine corp hit them up (eeiu only full Canadian sadly)
eeiu gets picked up by _____
Neither NiSMO or Johnqt are European. Johnqt is African and NiSMO is Asian(Middle Eastern)
Europe, Middle east and Africa (EMEA)
"Bro 4/5 m80 player's have EU nationality"
Yup that was my mistake 4/5 players have EMEA nationality
3 continents in one region?! no wonder why EU imports so much
Middle East isnt a continent, or even close to one
The middle east is technically part of Asia, so it's really Europe Africa and West Asia, 3 continents
All of 'em are EMEA, wdym?!
Even if they do, i dont think that's how it works, That's why ban (American/Korean citizen) is still an import in T1
NISMO has a restaurant and kid tho he can’t relocate to EMEA