Congratz Bleed, they get the home crowd buff, Surely next year next is VCT Pacific: Ascension Jakarta right, BOOM got the Taman Anggrek buff copium !
anyways, where do you think the next VCT Pacific: Ascension will be held ?
henoo [#5]go watch Bali major happening now dude. its such a shame
bali events about to smoke weed drink alcohol and full relax not play cringe videogames
henoo [#5]go watch Bali major happening now dude. its such a shame
go talk to Valve, they doesn't care about the game anymore. from the audience is a meh but from the player perspective this event is Heaven
SleepyBear [#9]go talk to Valve, they doesn't care about the game anymore. from the audience is a meh but from the player perspective this event is Heaven
i dont think valve search a place for majors they only care about TI
lwrrzzs [#10]i dont think valve search a place for majors they only care about TI
they only care about TI ? lul u dont watch Ti10 Singapore then
SleepyBear [#11]they only care about TI ? lul u dont watch Ti10 Singapore then
they only organize TI, majors is a work for esl pgl etc