no prize pool?
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | February 13, 2023 |
Last post: | December 1, 2024 at 7:48 AM |
Posts: | 38 |
no prize pool?
definitely not taman anggrek dude, i think its between indonesia arena or tennis indoor senayan. just wait for the announcement
just dropping my comments here if the rumour was right.
and some people really want this guy to replace monyet?? KEKW
kgk ada streamer yang namanya paling friendly bro sekelas jingg aja masih tengil apalagi di twitter. nonton miawaug aja kalo mau si paling friendly awoawkoawk
ya soalnya bakal maen belakang gk sih, kan dia maen full duelist di series ini cok makanya kena fd mulu
actually indo and indian are equally bro in terms of toxicity and idiot KEKW
kan gw nanya ganti siapa. ya gw cuma berpendapat people can change. orang bilang ganti rayac menurut gw agent poolnya terbatas bgt cuma raze, sedangkan monyet bisa main full di controller. jadi buat bahan evaluasi ntar pasti.
nah they just allergic to grand finals even with jingg man KEKW
idk but losing in the grand finals not gonna make your team bad. they always go deep in every tournaments in the past few years right? except lock in
bro rayac masih bisa ke counter jir lu. dia itu andalannya judge doang. main ama tim NA di onetap terus pasti
ya emg harus controller berarti dia, tapi prx compnya terlalu flexible. setiap map selalu ganti ganti comp kek somthing jadi initiator gitu gitu gk bisa stay satu role per org
bro gonna buy judge every round and get one tapped every round too
ganti siapa? yakali se instan itu ganti orang wkwkw udh lah terima aja kalo dia lagi under perform. poeple can change lu gk liat t3xture di GE ampas bgt skrg jadi op kita liat nanti kedepannya aja
bro t3xture really change this team so much, they feel really confidence
finally t3xture really on top of his form, not like in GE he seems very struggle. congrats
damn delay incoming
same for us when its valorant champions 2023 tho, deal with it KEKW
idk but xccurate seems a bit discipline about his aim, and f0rsaken have a crazy aim so its 50/50 for me
iya maksud gw kalo diliat dari umur maybe boleh soalnya kan umur anak kuliahan, kecuali yang umur diatas 22 tahun yang menurut gw perlu dipertanyain
i mean, they are college students? even if f0rsaken wants to play they allowed it i think.. also if you see it there is a lot of people who pass their college year like they already 23/24yo. are you not even questioning that? haha
blud might be nervous dude, he carried team in Upper final
no thanks :)
its 3 am here cant go outside bro
second reverse sweep after prx pog
i mean yeah its still old PRX with CGRS as a change/sub
GE beat PRX on icebox while CGRS played as a sub :(