FNC(superteam 2023) vs OPTIC(yay, marved)
SEN 2021 vs GAMBIT 2021
SEN 2021 vs ACEND 2021
FPX 2022 vs LOUD 2022
Manaphy [#2]Dark Ratio vs Loud
Dark Ratio vs FNATIC
Dark Ratio vs FPX
Dark Ratio vs OpTic
There’s no way that LFT OXY and Trick together could possibly lose
BayArea [#4]There’s no way that LFT OXY and Trick together could possibly lose
dark ratio with screwface >>>
cheeriosity_ [#5]XSET 2022 vs DRX 2022
never got to see the prime bcj vs prime stax matchup even tho drx would prob clear
Xset would clear in champs fosure
BoF7ooM [#3]Fnatic 22 vs Optic 22
ACE and Gambit vs SEN (21)
first one optic wins all year
2nd one sen win early year, ace and gambit win late year
Prontera [#13]Not good enough.
Try again
your brain doesn't seem to function that well
go get yourself checked
Schizophrenic_Brazil_Fan [#19]EDG vs Fnatic
C9 vs LOUD (rematch)
Loud vs TL happened at masters 1
Loud vs C9 never happened what are you on
lorenzopajaroFC [#21]Loud vs TL happened at masters 1
Loud vs C9 never happened what are you on
bro forgot about league play
skatman [#16]first one optic wins all year
2nd one sen win early year, ace and gambit win late year
Optic absolutely does not win it all year. Their only win against EMEA was Lulquid with Scream IGL. Infact it would be a close and good series, with elite trashtalk back at that time.
Sprouts [#6]2020 TSM vs GMB
2020 TSM vs ACE
2020 TSM vs OPTC
2020 TSM vs FPX
2020 TSM vs LOUD
2020 TSM vs FNC
yesssss wardell :(
Prontera [#27]Nope. But u look so upset. Not sure why
nah im chilling, but u look so dumb, not sure why
Prontera [#31]Nope. U seems upset. Don't lie
why would I be upset over something stupid on an online video games forum?
BoF7ooM [#28]Optic absolutely does not win it all year. Their only win against EMEA was Lulquid with Scream IGL. Infact it would be a close and good series, with elite trashtalk back at that time.
did you like, watch the games cuz optic placed above fnatic in each event 2022 lmao
they were clearly the much better team on lan
it would be close only during copen, at champs and iceland optic would win by a respectable margin
optic/envy had a poor record against eu because they literally faced the tournament winners each time apart from that one guild game
when optic core faced eu teams which werent the best at lock in they annihilated them
Sprouts [#6]2020 TSM vs GMB
2020 TSM vs ACE
2020 TSM vs OPTC
2020 TSM vs FPX
2020 TSM vs LOUD
2020 TSM vs FNC
TSM vs OPTIC technically happened https://www.vlr.gg/29392/envy-vs-tsm-champions-tour-north-america-stage-3-challengers-playoffs-ubqf
skatman [#34]did you like, watch the games cuz optic placed above fnatic in each event 2022 lmao
they were clearly the much better team on lan
it would be close only during copen, at champs and iceland optic would win by a respectable margin
optic/envy had a poor record against eu because they literally faced the tournament winners each time apart from that one guild game
when optic core faced eu teams which werent the best at lock in they annihilated them
Same Fnatic destroyed Guild, FPX and so on. They would get similarly tested against Fnatic, and absolutely would not win easily. Maybe they would get their 3rd map of the year against EMEA teams.
dapada [#32]why would I be upset over something stupid on an online video games forum?
Idk. But u clearly are.
BoF7ooM [#36]Same Fnatic destroyed Guild, FPX and so on. They would get similarly tested against Fnatic, and absolutely would not win easily. Maybe they would get their 3rd map of the year against EMEA teams.
2022 fnatic were known onliners
they beat fpx 5 times online in a row but lost to them in copen on lan when it mattered lmao