Lets just get real, there's not a chance you fucking thought your fraud region and one map team of pedo's and wife beaters were actually gonna beat M80 and TGRD
Pack it up lil bro.
They did beat M80.
least toxic optic supporter
Manaphy [#2] They did beat M80.
"fluke win, m80 were getting used to the stage"
Don't lump in my boys BNJ and Rubkkkkkkoid with p*ncc and NTGAY
bro spawned with an upvote
What in seeding? lmao
PooFaceCe [#7] What in seeding? lmao
Seeding match THE ONION 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀 KKKKKKKKKKK
at least Union shoot backs a little, but no way they sent those trashcans 9Z Fusion and 00 🤣🤣🤣like give up your slots and make this interesting