00Nation will be stomped, let's be real here guys.
They ain't The Union, yes they have aim, but they lack in strategical power and understanding of the game.
This will be 2-0 the guard, our only chance is 00Nation aim going goblin mode.
I think that maybe 00 could surprise and get one map to OT or even winning a map, but I really dont see then winning against The Guard, I mean, maybe in their map pick they win, I dont really know both of them map pools, to me if the map pools are different is a 2-1 if the map pools are the same then its 2-0 for The Guard obviously
cypher30 [#6]tenz can solo ur bots
he tried and failed 😭😭😭 daddy chill The Guard is 3-0 against TenZ and Trent dropped 40 on your ass
Mca [#10]In Semis yes, but not defeating the guard
yeah bcs union would be #1 seed and 00 #2 seed before tgrd
sylv1o [#19]00nation should just run it down paper rex style because they heavy aim diff theguard, if they play the slow game they'll lose
also abuse LAN against these onliners, scream, tilt them
thats what they need to win
Thats the advantage, BR challengers was entirely on LAN so they are warmed up and comfortable on stage. While The Guard was only online