Are we at a point where realistically it’s better for an off role agent to awp compared to a duelist? I feel like most main duelist players have went away from the op especially now on attack. And when they do have it on attack it’s only used to find the other awper usually then juggled to another team mate usually the ini/sent. I mean obviously we went from an agent meta that solely was controlled by the better awper (chamber) to one that is just 47 walls and smokes in your face so that’s a reason. I just think now it’s almost better to have a duelist who is a great rifler and agressive player, rather than the passive operator presence which can easily be filled by someone playing another role. And if anyone says jett has dash %90 of the time when they op it’s not even popped or it’s popped and expires so it’s honestly not even used much when awping.