I'd LOVE to see all of you shittalkers even TRY to go up against the teams. Cause if not, dont. be. a. dickhead. Remember, you're not the one that's on stage. They are.
Its just sad to see how the esports community changed for the worse, it used to be supportive for every team. Now its just "NA VS EMEA VS APAC" "__ IS GABAGE, ___ BETTER REPLACEMENT" " __ > __." Its not what is used to be 3 years ago.
worst argument, we are shittalking them cuz they cant perform on stage. Ofc I cant play better than nats but I can say he was shit in a match bro its all entertainment for the fans and the fans can say whatever they want as long as it isnt harrasment or actually criminal.
Thats true mb I got heated, I just have heard thiss every time. You would say oh ronaldo or messi is shit and someone would come up to you and say “you would never be as good as messi”. Obviously bro im talking about sports entertainment not the actual person.
L take. dont go on the stage if you cant handle the heat. its not always going to be all smiles and claps, that is boring as fk. if you want a real audience for your art/game then get ready to handle both, fans and haters. at the end its just shittalk, dont be a softy