Ban said they’ll restrict Kang Kang and stop him before the match began. Ban has 6 kills in 17 rounds and kang kang is on 19 kills
Sprouts [#3]T1 Bang confirmed???
could actually be an upgrade tbh, i mean respect to ban cuz his jett is good, but smokes just aint his role tbh.
koromast [#7]could actually be an upgrade tbh, i mean respect to ban cuz his jett is good, but smokes just aint his role tbh.
that’s why it confuses me that they have iNTRO benched. even when T1 were struggling he seemed much better than ban on smokes, but I guess they want to keep the Jett + Raze comps open
Sprouts [#11]that’s why it confuses me that they have iNTRO benched. even when T1 were struggling he seemed much better than ban on smokes, but I guess they want to keep the Jett + Raze comps open
i also think thats the reason but munchkin were also a good raze so it wouldnt make sense to me still