Why do they look so clueless. They didn’t know what was happening against EG as well?
not playing off util at all for some reason so many dry peeks
antistrated like eg do
this is not drx, jesus
I’m afraid you’re right. Fking looks one sided and I t Don’t think it’s because of a map as well. It has become a pattern for them
rb is saving his ult for champs apparently
they are absolutely cooked this is the worst ive seen them hopefully coaching staff gets a reality check and they revamp everything
I bet their synergy took a hit when they were trying to impose Foxy9 in the team. I have been saying he isn’t ready but everytime I say this I get abused left and right
it isnt even about foxy's performance they still ran thru pacific with him, it's just the entire concept of moving players around is fucked
less practice with both, worse map pools, worse mental, so many bad things
It's clearly that FUT isn't a good team. DRX just don't have any ideia what they're doing.