BrotherMan [#3]babyj
I heard him, but didn’t watch. If he is that much good why he can't get a team? even en t2 scene
SMK_sss [#4]I heard him, but didn’t watch. If he is that much good why he can't get a team? even en t2 scene
He is too good for all of them >:)
SMK_sss [#4]I heard him, but didn’t watch. If he is that much good why he can't get a team? even en t2 scene
I will never get over it
chamber nerf hits which is perfect for him
has already T1 experience
a couple months later T3 teams start taking teams to get into ascension for the ascension qualifiers
all the ranked NA demons who pop off in radiant are being taken up by teams like BreakThru, Turtle troops, etc
said he was getting offers but says he's clearly better then that during a duo stream with tarik, so he didnt take em
fast forward into playoffs and all coaches around the world are watch partying it (sliggy/sgares/BR coaches, T1 pros are talking about it)
I clearly remember sean gares saying how much talent there is here and respects the ranked demons he plays against everyday now for them trying to go pro
fast forward again, almost everyone is watching/tracking ascension matches across all regions
C9 literally signs two tier-2 NA playerss and goes on a run
He still thinks he's going to get offers from T1 teams saying they need a sentinel
Tarik mentions he fumbled the bag in his opinion, other pros dont respect him anymore I believe and its not wrong to think coaches might think the same, if ghost gaming players put down their ego and got into tier 2, I think babyj couldve kept his ego aside. Remember ghost gaming were literally on top of NA for a while destroying teams like optic/NRG/TSM.
I am a fan of the guy, he really is talented, but his ego blinded him when the chamber nerf hit. It shows how you have to seize chances given to you when you have the opportunity, no matter how small. Else you wont get anything.