EMEA import>all NA jetts
TrialRunnr [#2]I wish he was
He will be the best Jett in Tokyo tho
Already better than all NA jetts
TrialRunnr [#2]I wish he was
He will be the best Jett in Tokyo tho
Yes he will be after Derke, Sayf, Aspas, Something, Zmjjkk, Foxy9
Vasudev [#7]EMEA power everywhere: something ; ardis Carrying PRX AND NRG : other regions especially NA highly focuses ON content creation like Lentiluls etc..
did u watch any of nrg games lol
sj67atg6 [#10]did u watch any of nrg games lol
Anyone that says Ardiis carries them definitely hasn't watched more than a single game lmao
sj67atg6 [#10]did u watch any of nrg games lol
ya been watching for year bro : was just joking ::: I know NRG is good <<