i am a ms dhoni & CSK fan ; was just testing whether people here know INDIAN cricketers
Flag: | India |
Registered: | February 11, 2022 |
Last post: | May 14, 2024 at 9:59 PM |
Posts: | 443 |
i am a ms dhoni & CSK fan ; was just testing whether people here know INDIAN cricketers
i am silver 3 and i dont ask/cry to my teammates headphones hard for skins ; if they are on ground i just pick it
he just won a 1v 1 against com : he has good gamesense bro ; wdym u smkoing weed?
Russia should be declared as a region . THEY have greatest fraggers of all time ? old gambit , somenthing , ( demon1 https://www.vlr.gg/215531/demon1-is-russian) .
PUTIN i want your recipe to be good at FPS games
WALTER White will be getting ALL the JUICY DICKS , turn OFF UR hopes ; u femboy
omg thats lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo reply ; cooked this biitch , fking prep against BIlbili bro
alfa broke it round 9 i a m watching
I need to recharge my phone because I don't have broadband at home. I want to watch matches on my AiRTEL SIM (9520720130, region Up West) using mobile data for only $0.23 (1GB internet). Can someone please help me recharge via Google Play if you think it's possible?
that Asian lookin caster surely will get fucked tonight after boaster just tear down her in frustration bed after losing to liquid
WOHOOJIIN IS MOST FUN ENTERNTAINING ANd LEARNING TO WATCH PARTIES ( HE DOES THEM FEW AMERICAS most of time but its really good ) TMV also provide nice content , Pls recomemmend me some other that provide good educational valoarant content (Sliggy also quite decent is , is he?)
u better focus on ur flukes as super team ;
yes that mf doesnot know when to take timeouts , blud waiting till liquid looses like 5- 6 round in a row ; like C' mon boy , pls don't let them get momentum ; also common L from them letting SAyf GO last year , my DADDY SAYF JABREEL is fragging on smokes get him back from vitality; just replace that FART FAT ASS MISTIC
nats and jampii bro. keiko is lil new kid let him grow ; i just dont understand which team managerment person MF let sayf go last year
one thing i have realized that people and kids are braindead on this site . seeing them fighting And how they care about team,player all and shit goes horrindous as these people are so free of thier life (kids ). i just read posts of people fighting , damn funny over petty things , LIVE HAPPILY LIVE PEACEFULLY and Keep fighting on VLR.gg
then u mean soulcas is second best than wdym KINKZ??????????
get a flair ; u are not allowed to talk ; get that of lev/kru to not get urself TROLLED u 13yr old punky bitch mf smelly ass
L dick of LENTINELS > hope u die , see death is behind u 200ms
bro go water some grass in garden and tTOUCH SOME GRASS
It's not about allegiance to Liquid specifically. I used to be a fan of Gambit, but then Nats shifted, and recently, Redgar joined them last year. However, Nats is notably humble and responds in a down-to-earth manner. I believe Liquid's fanbase is fine; I don't boast about them excessively. I acknowledge their capabilities based on their roster strength. I hope for a successful outcome for them, and if not, then a good game, well played. Not like someone just focusing on aim like a hyperactive 10-year-old.
LENTINELS WITH FUCKING BIG """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""L""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" , Cant tolerate 12 -18yrs old kids masturbating over tenz aim ,,, omg tenz omng tez aahah aaha !!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 tenZ harder tenZ harder AAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! like commmmmmmon bro see the game and let me watch it as well
edit : NICE TO SEE other opinion as well . now we can clealry say most TOXIC IMMATURE FANBASE IS OF SENTINELS
also they need loud to defeat G2 (2-0) by a total map differential of 14 rounds across two maps(13-5 ) &(13-9) or (13-6) 13-6 works as well for LOUD and sen ofc.. correct me if i am wrong somebody
What was the point of even making master madrid when they were to lose in lower final to sentinels ; commont its like everyone need to be perfect or what . everyone has ups downns bro and u better not question that ok , u mf who sittign asshole at home cursing others when u urself are jobless fuck u bitch
are u idiot navi play against TH in single elim bro why smoking even
people always get what they deserve ; crybabying and blaming is for 18- yrs old people ;
wdym pacfic losing finals when finals is b/w prx and geng
respect them bro atleast they are top 3 min after this tourney finish
IF i follow WOHOOJIN and TMV for my Valorant improvemnt then similiary whom to follow if i am starting League of Legends and FORTNITE . I mean who can guide me on similar way review vods , general decision making and aim duels rather than makin 10 mins guides each day some ass lineups for which i have to sacrifice MAP positioniing and space
doesn't matter ; SEN either way not qualifying ; cry hard tenz army
They are not displaying the actual map ascent composition. concealing too much since a skill difference will be sufficient to get them to the playoffs and Madrid; might provide brand-new composition of Map Ascent and other games during the Kickoff Playoffs, GF, or Masters directly.
DIDNT U WATCH LAST YEAR TL VCT matches : sayf nats and sometimes jampii were hard carrying ? really did not like letting SAYF go ...not a good move from LIQUID...
why picked ENZO ? instead could have picked up SAYF played any role and Anyone else on team could have IGL'd ? L for TL
potters masterclass incoming ;
todays scrims result M80 FRYING sentinels in above post