considering eg barely made it through the regular season and now potentially gonna win the playoffs, do we think regular season is bs? or is EG having the luck of their lives
emirerays [#3]I wouldnt say luck, its like they got better and better each match
5/18/23 lost against NRG 0-2
5/23/23 won against NRG 2-1
no matches in between
but i guess ur point may still stand
pugboy [#2]EG are simply outplaying their opponent right now this has nothing to do with luck or regular season obviously some strats will be reserved for playoffs only if you are secured a spot in regular season but I don't think that invalidates regular season at all
they really weren't guranteed the spot im pretty sure
pugboy [#2]EG are simply outplaying their opponent right now this has nothing to do with luck or regular season obviously some strats will be reserved for playoffs only if you are secured a spot in regular season but I don't think that invalidates regular season at all
the outplay:
demon entrys and gets 3
but no demon in tokyo
exin1x [#5]5/18/23 lost against NRG 0-2
5/23/23 won against NRG 2-1
no matches in between
but i guess ur point may still stand
exin1x [#6]they really weren't guranteed the spot im pretty sure
Im talking about LOUD or NRG or C9 etc
dex_ [#10]not probably, they are
the irony of someone who supports heretics saying eg is a 1 man team is crazy ironic ngl
Bonkbonk201 [#14]the irony of someone who supports heretics saying eg is a 1 man team is crazy ironic ngl
Heretics don't rely on individuals because all of them are bad.
Bonkbonk201 [#14]the irony of someone who supports heretics saying eg is a 1 man team is crazy ironic ngl
i dont get it