gekko ult can jump goofy
Flag: | Yemen |
Registered: | September 16, 2021 |
Last post: | March 24, 2024 at 5:12 PM |
Posts: | 191 |
everyone's defense winrate went down, rito stupid company
geng look very promising and sen's map pool isnt so good as they dont have the advantage as upper bracket team but i truly believe their match against geng 2 days ago was an offday for sen so we'll just have to see tomorrow
lock in was 100% mickey mouse, basically half the rosters changed by the time tokyo/champs rolled around, if sen somehow wins madrid its definitely desrved, they've played some of the most matches/maps, have had the hardest matchups, doubted the hardest, etc.
every regions #1 seeded team won the 1st round matches: kc, geng, edg, sen
+1 it happened, not under the circumstances i thought it would but it did FUCK YOU #2
true lol, i think theyre really good at getting rounds but theyre so bad at closing it out
Evidence shows that a new joint operation between the FBI and the US Department of Health and Human Services have recently been experimenting with a new, visually-administered form of melatonin intended to put audiences to sleep in 5 minutes or less. Known as "G2 Esports vs MIBR - VCT Americas Kickoff", the broadcast on Twitch has been airing for over 5 hours
fnc r frauds lmao, its over as soon as eu gets a few more good teams
if sen loses against g2 then theres a chance they qual, if sen wins against g2 then no chance
he hasnt played much in the past year (pretty much retired), hes a lot older now, i can see him as a coach maybe cuz his brain is huge
agree with everything that i actually care about except nrg - victor is fine and c9 - entire team is shit, cut everyone
also prx lmaoo
yeah, whoever wins both of their games gurantee qual to playoffs, if its all 1-1 then its gonna be map or round differential (i forgot which one)
+1, its very possible as long as they dont play NRG in the playoffs LMFAO
best possible scenario/easiest way to madrid is:
mibr wins against c9
sen wins against levi (no shit)
kru wins against g2
sen should have easier matches against mibr and kru compared to g2 and c9
sen plays against eg (nrg is the avengers and they cant deal with loud qck phoenix for somereason)
boom madrid qualification
js got home and heard everyone speaking of him, looked at vlr, was this guy thanos on map 1 or something?
only before and after game, during half and t/o right?
just wondering, ive seen people say this quite a bit, why was yesterday's matches so much more unpolished to you guys
dephh mightve been the worst pickup of all time
didnt see his hp, but ive honestly never seen it happen outside of that, guess its smart though
saadhak died to his own molly, viper gets spammed trying to go against 3 in his ult, then immedietly right after omen gets detained by kj ult lmao, didnt say it was bad but it was so confusing and funny
guy said traitor as if its lebron leaving the cavs
i swear johnqt, tenz and zellsis are all wearing the same glasses and similar hairstyles
u say that in ranked game chat and u get banned for 100 years
they literarlly have pancada on bench too lmfao
honestly shahzam wasnt bad back then, for no coach he was crazy, older player on jett while also igling with no coach
when we got a replay johnqt was typing and said his audio was muffled
lockin: every team was off because first tourney, roaster changes happened after, shouldve lost to loud, will never understand how loud threw that game
tokyo: loud bad form, eg first lan, prx had sub
champs: every good team actually does good and they fold in 4th
not saying they are bad but emea 5 slots just for their best team to get 4th is crazy
feel bad, with how shit and unstable val pro scene is for players, if u do bad at the wrong game your career could quite literally be over
na'vi by far, #5 emea with 5 trophy winners and getting grouped in Tokyo and LA
4 slots for what?, mf emea got 5 slots and they only have 2 qual, americas has 4 and has 2 aswell
if EG doesnt get atleast 2nd im retiring as an NA fan, first SEN now NRG, who am i supposed to inhale copium for