Powerranking Tokyo

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Grouping in 4's, doing it from the bottem 4 up.

I'll explain a bit below, but here is the basic tiers

Fut, Navi, The other NA team, Liquid
DRX, PRX, Fnatic, Loud

9 - 12:

  • EG: No demon1, simple as that. Jokes aside, demon1 being gone fucks literally all except their fracture comps. It's the same situation as how Fnatic went to Masters without Derke. They can just do their best. It's just that their whole system and vibes are shook without Demon1 there. Could they do well? Maybe, we've seen more wild shit than that out of EG.
  • ASE: Does Life pop the fuck off? If yes, then maybe they can win a series. They did win the invitational prior to tokyo, so they might be first seed? They just lost the second invitational in 3rd, so I don't know if that will allow EDG (who got 2nd and 1st) to go over them in seeding? I have no clue. Regardless, it's if Life pops off.
  • T1: Lucky ass team that goddead had a bad game. I'm in cripling pain daily as a Gen.G fan, help me. Legit though, I think they are probably the weakest team here except for a ASE where life plays well.
  • EDG: I hate to put EDG here. I hate to. But, they have YET to win a series against an international team, and all 3 who they have lost to are sunsetting teams. PRX and Liquid in champs, both of which still brutally underperformed and Liquid imploded, and 100T in Lockin where they looked bad. I think they'd be the strongest of the bottem 4 if everyone plays as I'd expect.

5 - 8:

  • Fut: Logically, they're gonna have some hard matches. I think they could do some shit and mess up some brackets, but (I'm going to use this for each team going forward) they just don't look good enough to beat the top 4.
  • Liquid: They rely too much on Sayf playing well to be a consistent team. If sayf can just drop 30 every map then they could do well, but that is unlikely. They are just too inconsistent of a team.
  • C9/NRG: I probably would have swapped this spot with EG if C9 makes it, and would have swapped Navi (changed from Fut, them turks insane) and EG if NRG makes it, in the event Demon1 could come to tokyo. But allas. I believe in the NA teams more than I do EDG and the rest of the lower of the bottem tier. Just not good enough for the top tier.
  • Navi: They don't look like prime FPX and Cned doesn't look like 2021 Cned. Great team historically, good team now. Maybe if they figure out a set comp and suygetsu plays more to his 2022 ability, then Navi could challenge the top 4.


  • Fnatic: They have lost 2 maps. They have lost 0 series. As much as the bottem of EMEA looks like 3 of the 5 worst franchising teams, Fnatic still crushed them. When they lost a map vs Fut, they lost 3 more rounds. When they lost a map to BBL, it was when their statistically best player was replaced by a sub (if you stat check it, make sure to make it regular season only. I'm keeping it for dramatic effect). Fnatic are a force to be reckoned with, and are easily the favorite heading into Tokyo. They really have no weak ends. Here is the other thing, from my knowledge of Japan and Valorant, Fnatic are also the likely crowd favorites. What Loud had pushing them in Brazil, Fnatic will probably have in Tokyo.
  • Loud: They look like greek gods out there. They and Fnatic should have a lasting rivalry through the next few years as the leaders of their respective regions. If i was to guess, them and Fnatic would get a rematch in the Tokyo grand finals.
  • DRX: They are DRX, literally the top 4 team. They just look better than every team plced below them.
  • PRX: These men bullied DRX. These men will bully you. If they have a good day, then just FF the match. There is no point. PRX is a top 4 team and still the wildcard of the tournament. They aren't the favorites, but they are my favorites. They could also be a crowd favourite, due to being a pacific team and how Something used to play in the Japanese league. Idk. This is W gaming, but with a 3rd fully busted aimer. One of them will pop off on a map. The question is: Can Fnatic or Loud stop the fire before it spreads to the others? DRX couldn't. Let's just wait and see.

That's the essay for the week.


I read allat good work tbh

I disagree with t1 though I think they will be better than FUT



pugboy [#2]

I read allat good work tbh

I disagree with t1 though I think they will be better than FUT

I just like Fut more than T1. Fuck those reimporting bitchasses.

Wronghand [#4]

I just like Fut more than T1. Fuck those reimporting bitchasses.

If ban continues to perform I think they will go on a surprise run tbh

edit: let me reiterate if ban performs I think they will go on a surprise


Great list tbh


W analysis


2 APAC teams in top 4 worldwide apparently 💀💀


What happened to Demon1?

czeroi [#9]

What happened to Demon1?

visa issues :(


The question is: Can Fnatic or Loud stop the fire before it spreads to the others? DRX couldn't. Let's just wait and see.

It was on a match that didn't matter that much LUL even TS looked like a god on their match against DRX
I'll comeback to this after GF


The prx one is a combination of copium and realization and that's one of the best take, W for cheering your team. DRX looks like trolling on map 1 though, so let's see if PRX really is a top t1 team now.

Yessirskiiii [#8]

2 APAC teams in top 4 worldwide apparently 💀💀

power rankings wise I don't know how you can put NAVI NRG/C9 or liquid over either prx or drx right now

maybe if NAVI stop trolling but idk

Yessirskiiii [#8]

2 APAC teams in top 4 worldwide apparently 💀💀

they snuck one asian team through top 4 of all LANS this last internationals. why it surprises you???


Liquid: They rely too much on Sayf playing well to be a consistent team. If sayf can just drop 30 every map then they could do well, but that is unlikely. They are just too inconsistent of a team.
I kind of don't agree for this point since in match vs NAVI it was others who popped of and in bind sayf literally went negative kd and they still won....

Yessirskiiii [#8]

2 APAC teams in top 4 worldwide apparently 💀💀

who then, Navi ? lol slow ass team i fall asleep watching it and the game still there when i wake up

SleepyBear [#16]

who then, Navi ? lol slow ass team i fall asleep watching it and the game still there when i wake up

EMEA production type shit


these are so bad LMAOOOOO


Lets go pepurex


pretty good list
i'd say theres 4 tiers

  1. fnc loud drx
  2. liquid prx navi (very close)
  3. nrg/c9 eg fut
  4. edg t1 ase
    i think navi belong close to the top if prx does too, i don't think firepower is navi's problem, they just don't have a deep stratbook and just aimbot onto a site at 30s half the time. suygetsu and shao continue being some of the best mechanical players and cned is def doing his job typically though he didn't show up at all at the fnc series, zyppan slouched a bit thats the only person i think fell behind mechanically but he's not really that far behind. it's just that as teams grow and players get more talented they're more comparable in firepower and you need strategy and macro to defeat them. hopefully they go back and review the vods and work on some strats rather than overcooking some insane 1v4 suygetsu/shao go kill strats

liquid looks better by the day as well from a fundamentals and antistrat perspective, their biggest deficiency isn't being sayf reliant imho it's their shallow map pool, i think liquid are awful on lotus and haven, if they rectify that they will make a very deep run

i also think eg are better than edg, t1, ase even without demon1, with demon1 i'd put them right alongside nrg, i think everyone in the 3rd tier are dark horses and could make unlikely but possible deep runs though eg least likely w/o demon1, nrg if they qual might be the most likely but ardiis needs to play on point and imho they need a player that can lurk like marved did.

koromast [#14]

they snuck one asian team through top 4 of all LANS this last internationals. why it surprises you???

They have won 0 tournaments and EMEA always has one or usually two teams in the top 4. No disrespect to APAC tho

Yessirskiiii [#21]

They have won 0 tournaments and EMEA always has one or usually two teams in the top 4. No disrespect to APAC tho

yeah, they were too split apart to make their better teams scrim each other on proper conditions but with apac league now i think they are going to do way better than ever

Yessirskiiii [#21]

They have won 0 tournaments and EMEA always has one or usually two teams in the top 4. No disrespect to APAC tho

This is power rankings not predictions

bruhahaha [#20]

pretty good list
i'd say theres 4 tiers

  1. fnc loud drx
  2. liquid prx navi (very close)
  3. nrg/c9 eg fut
  4. edg t1 ase
    i think navi belong close to the top if prx does too, i don't think firepower is navi's problem, they just don't have a deep stratbook and just aimbot onto a site at 30s half the time. suygetsu and shao continue being some of the best mechanical players and cned is def doing his job typically though he didn't show up at all at the fnc series, zyppan slouched a bit thats the only person i think fell behind mechanically but he's not really that far behind. it's just that as teams grow and players get more talented they're more comparable in firepower and you need strategy and macro to defeat them. hopefully they go back and review the vods and work on some strats rather than overcooking some insane 1v4 suygetsu/shao go kill strats

liquid looks better by the day as well from a fundamentals and antistrat perspective, their biggest deficiency isn't being sayf reliant imho it's their shallow map pool, i think liquid are awful on lotus and haven, if they rectify that they will make a very deep run

i also think eg are better than edg, t1, ase even without demon1, with demon1 i'd put them right alongside nrg, i think everyone in the 3rd tier are dark horses and could make unlikely but possible deep runs though eg least likely w/o demon1, nrg if they qual might be the most likely but ardiis needs to play on point and imho they need a player that can lurk like marved did.

This is the perfect analysis Liquid needs to improve their map pool


Well written

sheahhhh [#18]

these are so bad LMAOOOOO

average G2 fan take

wxlku [#26]

average G2 fan take

He is right Prx and drx are not top 4 everyone here just overrate them every tournament just to see them grouped again

bruhahaha [#20]

pretty good list
i'd say theres 4 tiers

  1. fnc loud drx
  2. liquid prx navi (very close)
  3. nrg/c9 eg fut
  4. edg t1 ase
    i think navi belong close to the top if prx does too, i don't think firepower is navi's problem, they just don't have a deep stratbook and just aimbot onto a site at 30s half the time. suygetsu and shao continue being some of the best mechanical players and cned is def doing his job typically though he didn't show up at all at the fnc series, zyppan slouched a bit thats the only person i think fell behind mechanically but he's not really that far behind. it's just that as teams grow and players get more talented they're more comparable in firepower and you need strategy and macro to defeat them. hopefully they go back and review the vods and work on some strats rather than overcooking some insane 1v4 suygetsu/shao go kill strats

liquid looks better by the day as well from a fundamentals and antistrat perspective, their biggest deficiency isn't being sayf reliant imho it's their shallow map pool, i think liquid are awful on lotus and haven, if they rectify that they will make a very deep run

i also think eg are better than edg, t1, ase even without demon1, with demon1 i'd put them right alongside nrg, i think everyone in the 3rd tier are dark horses and could make unlikely but possible deep runs though eg least likely w/o demon1, nrg if they qual might be the most likely but ardiis needs to play on point and imho they need a player that can lurk like marved did.

I think that your list is the best list I've seen by far but I think that t1 should definitely be in 3, at least a weak 3 minimum. They were throwing a lot in the past but recently they have looked good.

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