They already qualify, so they just misleading others?
hekzy [#3]wait, how did they qualify? it looks like they're not making playoffs. Is there some other system that's in place that i'm missing?
point system.. points carry from last split.
hanafuuji [#2]ok I thought people are memeing but people actually believe the concept of "saving strats" I guess 💀
it is absolutely true. Why do you think Fnatic or Loud haven't looked much different than lock-in? Because they probably have innovated or have another gear up their sleeves for playoffs or tokoyo. If their lock-in look is good enough to carry them there why show more than they need to? Similarly for G2, M80, and TGRD
hekzy [#3]wait, how did they qualify? it looks like they're not making playoffs. Is there some other system that's in place that i'm missing?
G2 guard and m80 have already qualed, losses to mad lions and Or do feel like they’re saving strats, if not- HOLY COPIUM WE ARE GONNA LOSE😭😭😭😭😭🚬🚬🚬😔😔😮💨😮💨😮💨
ax0788 [#5]point system.. points carry from last split.
so... which playoffs do they qualify for? is there going to be an NA playoffs before the Americas playoffs?
VinceVioVN [#7]it is absolutely true. Why do you think Fnatic or Loud haven't looked much different than lock-in? Because they probably have innovated or have another gear up their sleeves for playoffs or tokoyo. If their lock-in look is good enough to carry them there why show more than they need to? Similarly for G2, M80, and TGRD
blud compared G2 to Fnatic
VinceVioVN [#7]it is absolutely true. Why do you think Fnatic or Loud haven't looked much different than lock-in? Because they probably have innovated or have another gear up their sleeves for playoffs or tokoyo. If their lock-in look is good enough to carry them there why show more than they need to? Similarly for G2, M80, and TGRD
"they probably have" ... "another gear up" ... you can easily swap in "aliens fucked my mom" or "im a billionaire" because you're just making shit up.
funny_prank [#11]blud compared G2 to Fnatic
no i compared the situation both teams are in, both are at the top of their own respect leagues. quit straw-manning and thing you made a sick, witty response
uGRAVEL [#13]"they probably have" ... "another gear up" ... you can easily swap in "aliens fucked my mom" or "im a billionaire" because you're just making shit up.
im sorry common sense has evaded you. tell me, why would they show new innovations/higher gear, if they don't need to? for shits and giggles? if they show new ideas/strats don't you think prep-heavy teams like NRG, EG, or whatever would anti-strat tf out of them? If they wait and show new stuff in playoffs or a bigger event like Tokyo, then the surprise factor comes into consideration. nice try with your response tho lil bro. really thought you had something there didn't you
hekzy [#9]so... which playoffs do they qualify for? is there going to be an NA playoffs before the Americas playoffs?
Yes theres a challengers playoffs and the finalist goes to regionals
they haven’t even qualified yet
theirs still a world where they drop out of qualification if they lose every game and if certain teams place well. This is a shitty mentality to have and they should look a lot better than how they do, Id love to see them bomb this group and then not qual because they either thought they had enough points or really fucking sucked. It’s honestly just looking like the second option right now. People need to stop comparing separate leagues, different formats and ways to qualify not to mention more is up for grabs. G2 and LOUD’s scenario isn’t the same what so ever they are dropping series to the worst teams in challengers when they aren’t even guaranteed to qual yet
TLDR: G2 hasn’t qualified. Stop comparing separate leagues and more importantly stop comparing LOUD to G2 different scenarios and G2 shouldn’t throw like they have been when they could not qual.
VinceVioVN [#16]im sorry common sense has evaded you. tell me, why would they show new innovations/higher gear, if they don't need to? for shits and giggles? if they show new ideas/strats don't you think prep-heavy teams like NRG, EG, or whatever would anti-strat tf out of them? If they wait and show new stuff in playoffs or a bigger event like Tokyo, then the surprise factor comes into consideration. nice try with your response tho lil bro. really thought you had something there didn't you
What a strawman argument. "HEY! Prove this thing that is impossible for either of us to prove because were on the outside! Oy! You can't, well you are obviously dumb." vlr really be the spot where the dumb kids in high school go to pretend to be smart.
How about you tell me why it doesn't rain gold on Uranus? How gassed up are you right that you hit me with the "really thought you had something there didn't you" LOL