PunisherXPR [#28]
I'm not really sure what's really going on with the team. I actually thought Dimasick had left since VLR says so and he's been inactive from all platforms since Champions but Liquipedia does list him as the only sub in the team.
Not sure about the rules either, I don't believe teams can add subs after roster lock but I don't know if there's a rule about other players in the org subbing in even if they're not officially in the team.
dimasick is in the global database, he actively streams, he still has liquid in his ign the last time i saw (idk about now) and is the official 6th since the roster announcement. idk about his contract but unlike other liquid streamers/players, he doesnt have liquid ads on his stream. idk when it was added but the day before i already saw harmii was added in the database, so i thought it was done before roster lock.