Jett - Derke / johnOlsen / aspas / something
Raze - mwzera / Derke / tenz
Reyna - scream / jingg / something
Yoru - Forsaken / foxz
Phoenix - Scream
Neon - Kadoom / Rb
mwzera best Raze. Asuna and nukkye don't stand a chance against mwzera and Derke.
agree with tenz joining the Reyna gang
if victor is also on the Phoenix gang, rather than only Scream, than kadoom should and other player should also be on the Phoenix list.
victor Neon not better than kadoom, kadoom kd better, acs better, fk better
Scream, jinggg better than Sick Phoenix and Raze.
Derke better overal than Aspas with jett. Even with the stats: