Seems to be that in Americas league assistant coach can speak to head coach, but this is not the case in the EMEA league. What's your thoughts on this?
Seems to be that in Americas league assistant coach can speak to head coach, but this is not the case in the EMEA league. What's your thoughts on this?
spookmeister [#4]weird inconsistency but i think it makes sense that assist+head can speak to each other
agreed I think it's fine for them to speak to each other, but all leagues 100% should share these same rules
spookmeister [#4]weird inconsistency but i think it makes sense that assist+head can speak to each other
nah. coach is monitored by riot so he isn't cheating. no clue where the assistant coach is but I sense a potential cheating issue
shai0 [#5]this makes no sense to me but surely riot, no matter how stupid the reason is, have a reason for that right? how do they justify this