basis:the voice of your mind..
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 10, 2021 |
Last post: | December 15, 2024 at 6:07 PM |
Posts: | 410 |
no cortezia is crazy. my guy is carrying mibr along with aspas....
Mwzera - Furia (iniciator)
Aspas- MIBR (Duelist)
Heat- Furia (sentinel)
Pancada- Loud (Controller)
cortezia - MIBR(Flex)
Brasileiro tem memoria curta mesmo, por isso os políticos que são eleitos hoje...
o cara tava carregando a furia no começo da temporada. O time inteiro que tá uma bosta
Pra mim tem que kikar os caras que nunca mostraram nada. Ou seja Konan e Khalil
but mwzera has already proved hes good. he's just in a bad sequence
have you been watching the games bro or just this one?
havoc has been playing badly
this was by far one of the worst decisions ive seen
I never said that bro, but he helped them a lot, this is obvious.
1-they let one of the most skilled players to ever play valorant exit through the back door
2-Fired Frod, one of the best coaches in 2023, who helped them win VCT and reach champions semifinals
3-Hired peu, who has no experience at all internacionally
4-Hired QCK, who was already a fraud playing for furia
5-didn't adapt to the meta, playing Phoenix and no sentinel or gekko.
Have i forgotten something?
quando vc se sentir idiota lembre-se q vc vai acordar amanha 6 da manha pra trampar e o KONAN ganha dinheiro pra jogar valorant
how can he be the goat of 2020 if there was no one to compete against?(internacionally)
there weren't any internacional tournaments in 2020
plus, he was playing against milkmen.
2024 is not over yet, how can you say that?
are you still in 2021?
my bro was frozen for like 2 years, then he wins something and all of a sudden hes the goat
he has always been overacted
Pouca gente tem coragem de dizer, mas é ridiculo isso q o tixinha e o noyn fazem.
Premiar o cara por ser o pinao da semana. isso nao existe,
VIBES sidao premiado na globo como melhor da partida
e ninguem fala nada pq sao famosinhos fazendo.
mas que é ridiculo isso é
Aspas would never be able to play Phoenix.
Therefore QCK is better.
e panelinha, logico
ele deve ter feito uma amizade grande com os caras e n quis kikar ngm
incompetência do bzka e da staff do MIBR. não tem outra explicação
é muito triste mesmo o cara ter a chance de reformular o time e faz uma palhaçada dessas
tem que parabenizar o bzka man
conseguiu montar 2 times de bosta 2 anos seguidos, tem que fazer muita força
Perdendo 2 a 0 SECO pra um time
-Sem org
-Sem salario
-sem office
-Sem comissão técnica
mas pra mim nem é culpa dos jogadores, é culpa do coach mesmo. Montou o mesmo time de bosta e colocaram jogadores que claramente não são jogadores de franquia nessa posição DE NOVO!
pq são desorganizados
aspas expos isso e o tempo ta inocentando ele
Furia and Leviathan - playing several off-season championships.
Loud - playing none
negotiating with the fifth player for 2 months, and still choosing one who is MID and was kicked out of Furia..
trash org?
os caras literalmente recebem pra jogar, tem estrutura, ct, coach e o carai a 4 kkkkkk obrigação os caras vencerem de um time sem org. ainda mais q o time é basicamente o mesmo do ano passado
he was calling the Argentine guy 'boludo,' which is a very pejorative and racist way to address a foreigner.
frz parece ser um cara gente boa, mas a gameplay dele é intragável mesmo.
lamentável mesmo
triste era na epoca do champions 2021, geral passando pano pra tela horrivel desse cara, os casters lambiam ele
Esse ai nunca me enganou. Sempre foi horroroso, mas passavam um pano desgraçado pra ele (principalmente casters, streamers e alguns jogadores)
We might see fracture.
Loud pearl is just as bad, so they could try to suprise and play fracture.
Zmjkk first in oping?
least biased edg fan
my guys from imperial cs go won a lucky game against vitality yesterday and were like ''we're back''
got stomped today by niko and G2 19/0
thank god loud and valorant exists.
the union is for sure better than MIBR and slightly worse than furia
kingg good player but bad igl
Chronicle and derke choked in the finals against TL
Shao didn't even get there
The right list should be started by TL, LOUD, and PRX players.
fns would be able to ace clutch like saadhak did?
i doubt
if valyn had the human material fns has you woudn't have this opinion
i would change him for valyn from the guard..
is it worth to keep the "goat igl" when he's always sinking the team?
my brother lost so many trades that i can't even count lol