Big cock johnson was a world class player and they keep c0m because akrew or something.
clickbait_ [#6]C0m is their igl, no? they cant just switch igl in a week but they can switch roles
boostio is
clickbait_ [#6]C0m is their igl, no? they cant just switch igl in a week but they can switch roles
boostio is IGL
DELUSIONAL_POTTER_FAN [#5]idk maybe internal conflicts
thats what i was thinking, their roles would also make more sense if they had bcj over c0m/jawgemo
DELUSIONAL_POTTER_FAN [#5]idk maybe internal conflicts
He doesnt even midround or call or anything, idk if its comms or something he brings to the team?
alitmanus [#2]"Big cock" vros brain was melted by porn 💀 bro does not know the most basic of val memes
Cannot [#12] bro does not know the most basic of val memes
cuck meme btw
alitmanus [#13]cuck meme btw
the BcJ = Big Cock Johnson has been a thing... I was just posting that to show you