I just hit gold but I don’t feel like I deserve it because I was doing bad while playing with my plat friend. Does that mean I’m boosted?
array [#3]Yes, of course you are boosted and you should punish yourself for that. I suggest finding some concrete wall and punch it with all you have. Make sure to use your mouse hand so later when you're playing your rank would correct itself
Arryixa he is joking so dont take it personally
FilthyAnimal [#8]Anyone who knows how to use a mouse and keyboard properly deserves gold
I mean if you always play with friends of higher rank, then you might be boosted, because I find a lot of plats in my game that play like silvers, and not only in the sense of aim, but by their game sense they seem like they belong to a lower rank.
On the other hand, if you're able to win by a 50-50 ratio in solo Queue, then you're not boosted.
rohanxyz [#11]I mean if you always play with friends of higher rank, then you might be boosted, because I find a lot of plats in my game that play like silvers, and not only in the sense of aim, but by their game sense they seem like they belong to a lower rank.
On the other hand, if you're able to win by a 50-50 ratio in solo Queue, then you're not boosted.
I play with him a lot, well he literally spams me to get on, and I do win solo q
Arryixa [#14]UPDATE:i am very capable of carrying gold 1s, so im not that worried
I'm gold 1 and my aim is trash u have nothing to worry about