Well lauress is 18 and yetujey 17, I don't think the age is a factor. As you said Lauress is more experienced and as far as I've seen a better more flexible player
FF doesn't care much about flexibility cuz Wo0t exist
they probably want to true Sentinel player who is playing Cypher (lauress was played lot of Cypher btw but for now i find yetujey better)
sry for English probably not a good sentence
yetujey is a slighty better sentinel than lauress.
lauress has a wider agent pool but it doesnt matter because sentinels are picked on most maps anyways
yes but like i said they don't need it
Jlerst is probably best Controller with Burzzy
Sociablee always plays Duelist but sometimes if someone is going to play a 2nd duelist it's Wo0t