am i the only one who thinks lg/sr has always been great in terms of players but their lack of achievements can be blamed on their coaching staff? look at all the talent who got better results after leaving them (aproto, tigg, ban, thief, stellar, yaboidre, etc.) if dazzle gets a redemption arc after coming out of that team then idk what more can i say maybe blaming it on someone its a shitty decision but idk too many stacked tier 1 players already to actually blame their L´s on em despite of always having brilliant individual plays.
koromast [#7]am i the only one who thinks lg/sr has always been great in terms of players but their lack of achievements can be blamed on their coaching staff? look at all the talent who got better results after leaving them (aproto, tigg, ban, thief, stellar, yaboidre, etc.) if dazzle gets a redemption arc after coming out of that team then idk what more can i say maybe blaming it on someone its a shitty decision but idk too many stacked tier 1 players already to actually blame their L´s on em despite of always having brilliant individual plays.
I mean of the talent you stated only one of them has proven to be international level with another team. They all are individually good but I wouldn't say they're better than XSET, Optic, Tgrd, Faze, etcs old core's. I think them hovering around 6-10 in NA made sense but obviously when you dip this low you need to make changes. IMO Bdog and Moose are their only players that they've had where I feel like they would succeed and be stars on top tier teams.