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É INACEITÁVEL que um jogador como o Mwzera termine sua carreira sem ganhar um Champions de Valorant.

O cara é uma lenda completa desde o início do cenário, é OBRIGAÇÃO da porra da Furia juntar ele com os melhores players possíveis pra se fazer um dream team do Valorant e conseguir competir com a Loud.

O Brasil tá explodindo de talento, só precisa tá na org certa, com companheiros certos e com a coaching staff certa, além disso ter o IGL certo.

A Loud tem TUDO ISSO, por que a porra da Furia não consegue? Jogadores como Dgzin/Heat/Mwzera/Xand TEM QUE, a QUALQUER CUSTO, ganhar um torneio internacional. Uma geração inteira de players tier S não pode terminar antes desses caras serem campeões de pelo menos 1 título mundial.


No hablos espanol


Xand eu gosto dele, mas ele parece que n leva a sério o jogo. Entre todos esses ele parece ser o menos profissional, e o heat com a performance individual dele n tá merecendo tbm n. Tem que melhorar pra eu dizer que ele merece (ele precisa voltar a performance dele de 2021 pra ter um rematch entre ele e o Cned)


Tem que juntar mwzera com o sacy, acho que o sacy ia potencializar muito o potencial do mw

RayzerGH [#3]

Xand eu gosto dele, mas ele parece que n leva a sério o jogo. Entre todos esses ele parece ser o menos profissional, e o heat com a performance individual dele n tá merecendo tbm n. Tem que melhorar pra eu dizer que ele merece (ele precisa voltar a performance dele de 2021 pra ter um rematch entre ele e o Cned)

Heat quando coloca uma Jett na mão dele nem o Aspas segura, ele é o tipo de player que TEM QUE ser campeão mundial, ser treinado pra caralho pelo Bzka, que o Bzka faça ele chorar e nunca mais jogar errado no resto da vida dele inteira.

Outros jogadores que podem ser campeões mundiais é o RGLM, esse cara é bom. E talvez, TALVEZ o Frz.


po eu n sei qdo poderia rolar isso, se é daqui a 6 meses ou 2 anos, mas p mim o unico time p bater contra a loud seria: dg, mw, sacy, pancada e frz

lpluvie [#6]

po eu n sei qdo poderia rolar isso, se é daqui a 6 meses ou 2 anos, mas p mim o unico time p bater contra a loud seria: dg, mw, sacy, pancada e frz

esse time seria muito bom

Mca [#5]

Heat quando coloca uma Jett na mão dele nem o Aspas segura, ele é o tipo de player que TEM QUE ser campeão mundial, ser treinado pra caralho pelo Bzka, que o Bzka faça ele chorar e nunca mais jogar errado no resto da vida dele inteira.

Outros jogadores que podem ser campeões mundiais é o RGLM, esse cara é bom. E talvez, TALVEZ o Frz.

bzka kkkk, tem q jogar junto mesmo do sacy, sadhak ou onur, só esses 3 q sabem fazer jogador chegar em seu alto nível


another strong BR team would be
Brazil does not have a good IGL at the level of this team
I think nzr or kiNgg would be good or Sacy would do the IGL and they would bring a sentinel
but I doubt that Sacy and pANcada would leave NA/sentinels to make a BR core
and also thinking that Saadhak Aspas and Less did not leave LOUD
however, another conflict would be the functions of Sacy and mwzera, who would be the initiator and who would be the flex even though they would take turns in the roles

I follow the BR games because I think there are great players and players that I really like to see play
when sacy left LOUD i thought mwzera would go to LOUD and with that he would win the lock/in or another international event
cauanzin is good but I think at this level that LOUD is not good to have 4 young players I think mwzera would be perfect to replace sacy both to help Saadhak with the gameplan and a fucking great aimer

tamanduaaa [#8]

bzka kkkk, tem q jogar junto mesmo do sacy, sadhak ou onur, só esses 3 q sabem fazer jogador chegar em seu alto nível

Eu vi como a Sentinels chegou em alto nível... 😂

Aphroditequeen [#9]

another strong BR team would be
Brazil does not have a good IGL at the level of this team
I think nzr or kiNgg would be good or Sacy would do the IGL and they would bring a sentinel
but I doubt that Sacy and pANcada would leave NA/sentinels to make a BR core
and also thinking that Saadhak Aspas and Less did not leave LOUD
however, another conflict would be the functions of Sacy and mwzera, who would be the initiator and who would be the flex even though they would take turns in the roles

I follow the BR games because I think there are great players and players that I really like to see play
when sacy left LOUD i thought mwzera would go to LOUD and with that he would win the lock/in or another international event
cauanzin is good but I think at this level that LOUD is not good to have 4 young players I think mwzera would be perfect to replace sacy both to help Saadhak with the gameplan and a fucking great aimer

Mwzera can't make strats he's Just insanely talented like Aspas or Less.

Mwzera is the perfect replacement for Sacy in a way he kills like crazy and clutches like a monster, he's called The Hero for a reason.

Dgzin also cannot be subbed, but he can work out Just like Heat in the same fucking way, he's Jett Operator who's a superstar and can Carry.

After that there isn't any good Flex player other than QCK when he's in a really good day, maybe only Xand but he's specific with some Agents and he's more of a Duelist than a flex, but QCK is the type of player to play exactly like he did in the ace clutch in Ascent, something i can't find in other place, the problem is... He doesn't fucking lurk, he cannot SEE the gaps in the map and no one other than Less/Suygetsu/Nats can do that effectively.

After that is free, there isn't a player that cannot be traded for other, Brazil is lacking world class controllers now that PaNcada is out, and our best IGLs are in training mode and cannot kill/call at the same time yet, just like Mazin.

Mca [#11]

Mwzera can't make strats he's Just insanely talented like Aspas or Less.

Mwzera is the perfect replacement for Sacy in a way he kills like crazy and clutches like a monster, he's called The Hero for a reason.

Dgzin also cannot be subbed, but he can work out Just like Heat in the same fucking way, he's Jett Operator who's a superstar and can Carry.

After that there isn't any good Flex player other than QCK when he's in a really good day, maybe only Xand but he's specific with some Agents and he's more of a Duelist than a flex, but QCK is the type of player to play exactly like he did in the ace clutch in Ascent, something i can't find in other place, the problem is... He doesn't fucking lurk, he cannot SEE the gaps in the map and no one other than Less/Suygetsu/Nats can do that effectively.

After that is free, there isn't a player that cannot be traded for other, Brazil is lacking world class controllers now that PaNcada is out, and our best IGLs are in training mode and cannot kill/call at the same time yet, just like Mazin.

in the interview after the game against T1 qck said that mwzera is a very smart player and helps the team in the mid rounds I know saadhak doesn't need help with this as he is an exceptional IGL but I think that would be why saadhak would like to play with mwzera


ninguem ta olhando pro cortezia como devia, pra mim o cara é tier S controlador, mt mira e inteligente


Gostaria muito de ver um projeto de time br com o sacy liderando... sacy/saadhak são os únicos que conhecem o caminho do sucesso, e acredito que agora o Less esteja aprendendo também. Bzka com certeza foi muito importante, mas tenho minhas dúvidas se ele manja tanto assim a nível tático (o próprio saadhak diz que ele precisava se provar, e que ele tinha uma função mais na relação dos jogadores)

acho que só assim pro brasil ter 2 times de fato no topo, foi uma pena o sacy ir pra sentinels, gostaria muito de ver ele no mibr, ou até mesmo na furia. Quem sabe no futuro :/

Aphroditequeen [#9]

another strong BR team would be
Brazil does not have a good IGL at the level of this team
I think nzr or kiNgg would be good or Sacy would do the IGL and they would bring a sentinel
but I doubt that Sacy and pANcada would leave NA/sentinels to make a BR core
and also thinking that Saadhak Aspas and Less did not leave LOUD
however, another conflict would be the functions of Sacy and mwzera, who would be the initiator and who would be the flex even though they would take turns in the roles

I follow the BR games because I think there are great players and players that I really like to see play
when sacy left LOUD i thought mwzera would go to LOUD and with that he would win the lock/in or another international event
cauanzin is good but I think at this level that LOUD is not good to have 4 young players I think mwzera would be perfect to replace sacy both to help Saadhak with the gameplan and a fucking great aimer

saadhak once said that loud was interested in mwzera, but he was already negotiating with furia

thiagomds [#13]

ninguem ta olhando pro cortezia como devia, pra mim o cara é tier S controlador, mt mira e inteligente

Pra mim CTC ta sendo mais jogador que o Cortezia, mas acho que ele vai ter a chance dele se o Brasil ganhar o Ascention e pegar uma 4° vaga.

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