Flag: Australia
Registered: February 17, 2023
Last post: April 17, 2023 at 8:09 PM
Posts: 30

Ai voce entra na incoerencia pq nas 2 md5 contra a NIP o mwzera tambem dropou 90 bonecos, eu nem preciso falar o problema daquelas 2 series né, se voce abrir a pagina da partida voce vai ver la

E voce só reforçou oq eu disse, QUALQUER PLAYER DECENTE DAQUELE TOP5 VCTBR DO ANO PASSADO IRIA PERFORMAR, como se não fosse o tuyz ganhando o 2x1 no ot pra salvar tambem, voce fala de plays salvadoras do cauan como se o mwzera tambem não tivesse

E eu nao sabia q o mwzera ja tinha jogado de cypher

posted about a year ago

Cauanzin não foi aquele q entregou a final do lockin achando q conseguia trocar tiro com o derke? puxando faca na base da FNATIC? trocando tiro sozinho no 2x1 pra ter o match point da icebox
Cauanzin é o cara q comemora quando ganha dm, esses dias deu pra ouvir na live do aspas ele perguntando pro cauanzin se ele tava bem e ele falando > sim, to ganhando dm
Outra mano, qualquer player do top5 VCT BR do ano passado performaria bem nesse time da LOUD pq o time flui e quem estiver la vai performar junto

E mais, se for assim 99% de todos pro players BR nunca fizeram nada pela comunidade só os 5 da LOUD prime

posted about a year ago

marved was playing like an idiot
every smoke he invaded killed and was traded WHY SAGE

posted about 2 years ago

Saadhak wanted him on LOUD, that says a lot to me

posted about 2 years ago

I think u r a fake because aTastyCook1e is a very ugly nick
of course I talk to Brazilians, do you think lockin is in Washington?

posted about 2 years ago

why every post that mentions mwzera u r disrespecting him

posted about 2 years ago

in the interview after the game against T1 qck said that mwzera is a very smart player and helps the team in the mid rounds I know saadhak doesn't need help with this as he is an exceptional IGL but I think that would be why saadhak would like to play with mwzera

posted about 2 years ago

another strong BR team would be
Brazil does not have a good IGL at the level of this team
I think nzr or kiNgg would be good or Sacy would do the IGL and they would bring a sentinel
but I doubt that Sacy and pANcada would leave NA/sentinels to make a BR core
and also thinking that Saadhak Aspas and Less did not leave LOUD
however, another conflict would be the functions of Sacy and mwzera, who would be the initiator and who would be the flex even though they would take turns in the roles

I follow the BR games because I think there are great players and players that I really like to see play
when sacy left LOUD i thought mwzera would go to LOUD and with that he would win the lock/in or another international event
cauanzin is good but I think at this level that LOUD is not good to have 4 young players I think mwzera would be perfect to replace sacy both to help Saadhak with the gameplan and a fucking great aimer

posted about 2 years ago

cauanzin too and cant farm good stats HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

posted about 2 years ago


saadhak talking like that, it seems cauanzin was a second option
idk because the subtitle is shit

posted about 2 years ago

did not you know?

posted about 2 years ago

Heat is so fucking good to
open the game pages of mwzera, many times +10 +15
but he played with Jhow v1xen
and after rhz and murizzz (rgl very inconsistent too)
in a championship that LOUD won undefeated he had more ACS ADR and KPR in 500 rounds than Sacy nzr and cauanzin
I think mwzera in LOUD would get the most out of mwzera to the playstyle with Saadhak as entry and aspas with AWP saadhak will play with breach/skye on fracture and split

posted about 2 years ago

yes, that's why LOUD igl wanted him on the team

posted about 2 years ago

overhyped? u know saadhak wants to play with mwzera

posted about 2 years ago

are you talking about composition or tactics and game plan?
if you're talking about composition
jett kayo sova kj and astra (first ascent loud) ACEND use on 2021 champions
after astra nerf they switched to Omen
maybe other team used before ACEND to, idk

posted about 2 years ago

mwzera should have waited for saadhak's invitation to join LOUD
this FURIA will not be able to make the most of him, he would be insane in LOUD
would make Raze's entryfragger for aspas to play operator and Saadhak would play breach and skye in split/fracture
cauanzin is god, but mwzera so better in LOUD system

posted about 2 years ago

which comment matters? from the bald silver or from the GOAT

posted about 2 years ago

vct split 1
cauanzin is good but mwzera is better

posted about 2 years ago

cauanzin too, but it does not matter

posted about 2 years ago

not entryfragger? https://prnt.sc/E9kAErp7-uRo
tuyz insane raze??????????? just normal jett and normal-bad raze

posted about 2 years ago

I know but kru first game is against navi
just a note...

did you understand?

posted about 2 years ago

mwzera will only play raze on lotus, on other maps mw will play initiator
trust me

posted about 2 years ago

bro, kru literally benched Klaus (IGL)
navi will smash PRU
furia too

posted about 2 years ago

igl is benched rn

posted about 2 years ago

about this comment

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't say it matters, just that it was a fact what the guy said
mwzera killed sacy many times in the ascent of vk x loud (mwzera 1-7 sacy)
mwzera and heat were the only ones that tried this ascent, jhow v1xen and murizzz fucked the map

posted about 2 years ago

but i didn't say it mattered

posted about 2 years ago

but it's true, sacy in md3 never won in mwzera exchanges
Logical that he already killed him several times but he never won in the final sum
I think sacy is -20 against mwzera
(all time)
lost in vk x loud
gl 2x1 vks
vks 3x0 gl (idk)

posted about 2 years ago