Omem instead of Brim Fade instead of Breach comp diff or just Talon was better?
Rb not playing Neon is a massive throw
True. DRX's comp was pretty solid on fracture last year. idk y they would change it
Im fine with viper being solo controller, but they put rb on omen not neon. And there's no sentinel too. That's weird.
Sushiboys can do whatever he wants with KJ utility
yeah different comp trying to beat the meta.. well nt
comp diff yea
COPE harder.
im not coping lol that is true
rb told me he misclicked on agent select screen so they had to switch it up all g we go next
"misclicked agent select" new excuse lmaoooo holy copium
Pretty sure it’s a joke but ok
Good one
Calm tf down, there are 100 more comps that are cringer
comp diff and talon doing a really good anti strat