Fnatic easily owns Sentinels and gets their revenge after that Ludwig tourney. Can't wait for derke to derk all over them.
sen lost in the ludwig tourney?
lost against non franchised teams
lets be honest the guard are as good as franchised teams better that most na franchised teams tbh
6 days of practice lmao
yeah and fnatic has a bunch of prac already so they will easily win ez
Boaster been practicing for 2 years and is still shit
unlucky for b0tnatic
unable to win anything until they drop shit coach and IGL
boaster is a bot perhaps but derke jett will own NA like how he owned 100 Frauds
TenZ at his worst owns Derke at his best
Not Jett-diffing away the lack of an IGL :/
Unlucko, maybe Chronicle and Leo can help out
yes but it doesn't matter in the long run