does kr have the talent?

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ye i def misinterpreted!!


it's ok lil bro you can cope however u want


im not coping lmao.
you just have such a big ego that it actually tires me for trying to change your mind
mf really cant accept hes wrong for one time in his life, its like everytime there is a kr thread you activate your braindead mode.


im not coping lmao. πŸ€“

as for you, you've literally tried to be contrarian or correct me by putting words in my mouth twice now lol, first when I said T1 would be mid or worse and you doubled down on your misreading, and now when you try to correct me by saying "no ackshually they have a long way to go!!" as if i said geng are currently a good team. not bad =/= good, because it seems like you need clarification on that. yeah, geng do have a long way to go, I've literally never said the opposite. sit tf down kid lol, sounds like you're the one who can't accept being wrong.


if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?
i didnt put any words in your mouth. youre the one typing it yourself.
"not bad" doenst mean neither good or a "mid" team (because that literally doenst exist as of right now)
and i didnt even say anything about you talking about them being good or not. im saying using 1 map to justify shit doenst make any sense. you also didnt use the other 2 maps where they got destroyed which is also a plus to why i said that.
you saying "sit tf down kid lol" is literally the biggest example of your bitchy ass ego πŸ’€
i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit on these kr threads. its actually incredible how its only you, maybe youre one of the reason people here hate kr on vlr so much?


if you dont want me to be contrarian just fucking mean what you say?

how does this make any sense lol, do you know what contrarian means?

stop using this one map as an excuse lol. just accept that they have a long way to go.

directly implies I have not accepted they have a long way to go lol, but I've never said anything contrary to that

i couldnt care less about you. dont think im targeting you or something, it just happens to you always be the one talking bullshit

me: t1 could be mid or worse
you: guys he said t1 is MID! ackshually they are one of the weakest teams!

perhaps you are the one talking bullshit and just pinning it on me because I happened to be the one whose comments you are misreading. plus you literally blew off that misread with some mockery lol. and you talk about my ego. i do have an ego, I'm not gonna hide it. for the most part, I try to be reasonable and own up to my mistakes, I've literally owned up and apologised for misreading/misinterpreting stuff in the past, you've literally seen me do it to you lmao
pretty interesting how I've yet to see you do that to...anyone really

pretty incredible how you're constantly on my dick. you don't see me starting shit with someone this often lol. and especially not over shit I misinterpreted.

fuck you're 15 anyway


you actually think you're special
its actually hilarious.
shows how you have 0 social awareness at all, would surprise me if you have IRL friends. i feel sad for them if you actually have.
imagine having a dude constantly changing his argument just to prove a point? i actually had one friend like that 1 year ago and it was one of the most exhausthing mental conversations ive ever had.
and i talked about you saying t1 would be mid or worse because it was actually delusional to think they would be "mid"
and today you proved my point. couldnt even beat one of the weakest ascension teams lol. i couldnt even remember the posts about t1 but you clearly did, get me out of your head, holy fuck.
and the typical "i need to bring age to the debate, because i dont have really anything else to say" argument. even if im younger than you, which i doubt, im clearly more matureπŸ’€
i literally have never talked with you lil bro. im not "constantly on your dick" in this past week i just had some posts with you than years i had in this website. attention seeker weirdo.


i ain't readin allat u got issues homie


good, you keep getting embarrassed.

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