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Which types of games require brain to work faster? Fps like CS:GO and VALORANT or battle royale like WARZONE 2.0 and APEX. Ignore the looting part just consider both of the types when firefight is on.


getting vlr not to talk about skrossi


CS doesn't require any brain power, just hold angles and shoot. Val has way more tactical depth.


None of them. Professional fortnite, definitely requires more thinking during fights.

horse69 [#2]

getting vlr not to talk about skrossi


stewie2k [#3]

CS doesn't require any brain power, just hold angles and shoot. Val has way more tactical depth.

Agreed more possibilities in valorant. The ways things can happen.

TheHardStuckImmortal [#4]

None of them. Professional fortnite, definitely requires more thinking during fights.

Jarvis numba 1.


Any game that's chaotic will require brain to process and function faster. CSjoe is simple, you have to know the same few lineups for years and that's it and the game never changes so the requirement for a newer approach isn't there. BR like Apex and Warzone needs a bit higher requirement in terms of what fight to take based on what guns you got and also positioning since the possibilities of positioning is endless.

Valorant on the other hand is a whole different thing, since the map changes are brought in sometimes and also how molly's work on different agents you have to think a lot about both timing your molly's or shock darts from different angles and not to mention you can even block some molly's with your own body. Mix with this the fact that ults can affect how you use your util also makes you think about positioning to use something (for ex. viper sometimes has to go far from the planting spot to throw molly, KJ ult can put you away from the site and set you up to rethink how you use util and time to hit with a retake and all the teleporting shit and verticality to get info or peeking angles makes valorant just too complex for new people at times and even sometimes at higher level of valorant.

One example is TL vs PRX where jingg was elevated on sage wall on the boxes in Pearl B site and how he killed someone and created chaos for attackers, despite that angle been known to the community, you never know if it'll be used or not and when and you cannot expect it.

ragnar28 [#6]

Agreed more possibilities in valorant. The ways things can happen.

Not only abilities, but how abilities interact with each other is so many added variables


Any game that's chaotic will require brain to process and function faster. CSjoe is simple, you have to know the same few lineups for years and that's it and the game never changes so the requirement for a newer approach isn't there. BR like Apex and Warzone needs a bit higher requirement in terms of what fight to take based on what guns you got and also positioning since the possibilities of positioning is endless.

Valorant on the other hand is a whole different thing, since the map changes are brought in sometimes and also how molly's work on different agents you have to think a lot about both timing your molly's or shock darts from different angles and not to mention you can even block some molly's with your own body. Mix with this the fact that ults can affect how you use your util also makes you think about positioning to use something (for ex. viper sometimes has to go far from the planting spot to throw molly, KJ ult can put you away from the site and set you up to rethink how you use util and time to hit with a retake and all the teleporting shit and verticality to get info or peeking angles makes valorant just too complex for new people at times and even sometimes at higher level of valorant.

One example is TL vs PRX where jingg was elevated on sage wall on the boxes in Pearl B site and how he killed someone and created chaos for attackers, despite that angle been known to the community, you never know if it'll be used or not and when and you cannot expect it.


if we solely talk about BR vs fps games like cs/val then the order will be fortnite>>valorant>other Battle royales > csgo .. why?
here are the reasons:-
fortnite:- this game has one of the highest skill ceiling imo the building mechanic and when in the last few zones you have 40+ people alive the pure havoc it wreaks is incomparable no other BR or fps game comes close, the only game that comes close is rocket league ( my opinion )

valorant:- as said in some comments above the agent ability usage in valorant is unpredictable you don't know what play the opponent might run maybe the Jett will rush a pipes on icebox with the operator or maybe the sage will be using an off-angle wall or something this is what makes valorant competitive fun not knowing which team might run what play is always fun to watch.

other BRs:- only at the top level does one require to use quite a lot of their brain to figure out zone rotations and position yourselves in the high ground

csgo:- let's be honest cs was a really good game but valves lack of care for the game made it really bad, csgo has one of the most stagnant meta imo and the ability usage is confined to the same good old smoke jungle, connector and ct then push, etc etc

Mjtchell [#9]

Not only abilities, but how abilities interact with each other is so many added variables


TheHardStuckImmortal [#4]

None of them. Professional fortnite, definitely requires more thinking during fights.

Its actually true tho, the amount of mechanics u need to know at a high level like building and positioning and constantly staying on top even after meta changes and etc its very hard to become a pro and consistently stay a pro

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