Flag: India
Registered: November 18, 2021
Last post: May 21, 2024 at 11:03 AM
Posts: 32

best region back at it again

posted about a year ago

casual mint W

posted about a year ago

avg mint W

posted about a year ago

no more team rigging lets go (ly rainy <3)

posted about a year ago

it was already unfair, to begin with ... the TO invited 70% of the teams by selling the spots so only 3 teams out of the 10 qualed through open quals rest all were invited

posted about 2 years ago

maybe a SEA igl with some more experience might work but honestly no change as per roster would do them good rn just stick with these 5 and build up the synergy GE has shown it before that sticking to the same roster does bring good results over time but they do need a lot more work than their mens roster

posted about 2 years ago

well that too.. but you dont dry peek every angle knowing that they got an operator online thats just dumb at that point , you have a kayo+breach but not using any util and just dry peeking that chamber thinking he will not re-peek you ? thats straight up dumb

posted about 2 years ago

didn't watch game 1 so can only talk about game 2,
who tf picks breach on pearl???
honestly, they started off really well but that one round where they KJ ulted on the site but Shirazi shut them down perfectly was where it all went downhill after that they just dry peeked the operator without using their util properly and just runned it down ( idk what the comms were but from a viewers perspective they just runned it down without thinking).
maybe fix out the roles and play more together let's hope they do something good.

posted about 2 years ago

29/45/19 across 3 maps if you dont count pearl then 11/30/9 across the other 2 maps overall -16 K/D

posted about 2 years ago

we believe in BE supremacy they will definitely be a powerhouse this year

posted about 2 years ago

poi clears all

posted about 2 years ago

honestly not needed against these fake immortals ( please pray for us)

posted about 2 years ago

so you are telling me that cypher ult not pinging after him dying wasn't intentional?? wtf i cant imagine how many times i just died right after ulting, ( old cypher mentality where it revealed even if you died) i thought it was like that cause now the ult reveals twice but nice bug!

posted about 2 years ago

gonna smoke these fake immortals fr fr

posted about 2 years ago

never said India lacked viewership what I meant was the talent was being gatekept by the old csgo veterans and new players weren't getting the opportunities to sign with an org to show what they can do. People in India are still new to the esports scene it's one of the fastest growing industries but still very new in India because of this, not all parents know about this and no parent wants their child to tread a path where the outcome is uncertain hence the talent which is sitting at home and not getting the platform to play on cause only the big orgs are playing the tournament.

getting back to the viewership numbers let me tell rn Indian local tournaments pull around 20k concurrent watching and if this stuff gets broadcasted on television like this one pubg mobile tournament then the numbers will be at least 10x and this is the minimum am speaking about.

posted about 2 years ago

if am being honest what's going to happen is these big teams will just buy out the rosters from the big valo orgs in India cause that is the only cost and labor-efficient thing to do, we will probably won't see that many new faces just the old ones returning to the scene after valorant starts its rise in india honestly I prefer these isl/ipl teams being the one's in this format cause all these other guys just gatekept the scene for the past years and didn't let new talent boom lets hope for the best and let the viewers enjoy the game

posted about 2 years ago

"or well-established esports organizations owning slots in the Challenger's League?"

bro legit wrote it but sure

posted about 2 years ago

from org point of view you would not like to associate with anyone even with the allegations cause it brings a lot of hate on social media platforms and such that's why no one will sign him until proven not guilty, cause social media doesn't care about innocent until proven thing. Its more like guilty until proven innocent when it comes to the masses.

posted about 2 years ago

sinatraa can definitely play but will an org/team associate with someone who was accused of SA ? most likely not he brings a lot more possible brand damage than he does to the gameplay side .

posted about 2 years ago

let's be honest here how is secret below GE in this list same with KRU, in the recent redbull tournament KRU defeated TL 2-0 although the games were close, in no way you can put KRU and Secret in 'd' tier below teams like GE with players lacking the LAN exp. You justified half of your team placements in this tierlist purely based on "the potential" of players what about their past records??? like you aren't going to give merit to what they already achieved.

posted about 2 years ago

no skrossi?? nah this list is cap

posted about 2 years ago

if we solely talk about BR vs fps games like cs/val then the order will be fortnite>>valorant>other Battle royales > csgo .. why?
here are the reasons:-
fortnite:- this game has one of the highest skill ceiling imo the building mechanic and when in the last few zones you have 40+ people alive the pure havoc it wreaks is incomparable no other BR or fps game comes close, the only game that comes close is rocket league ( my opinion )

valorant:- as said in some comments above the agent ability usage in valorant is unpredictable you don't know what play the opponent might run maybe the Jett will rush a pipes on icebox with the operator or maybe the sage will be using an off-angle wall or something this is what makes valorant competitive fun not knowing which team might run what play is always fun to watch.

other BRs:- only at the top level does one require to use quite a lot of their brain to figure out zone rotations and position yourselves in the high ground

csgo:- let's be honest cs was a really good game but valves lack of care for the game made it really bad, csgo has one of the most stagnant meta imo and the ability usage is confined to the same good old smoke jungle, connector and ct then push, etc etc

posted about 2 years ago

how to register??

posted about 2 years ago

based post no skrossi??

posted about 2 years ago

2 vandal, 1 phantom, 1 sheriff, 1 ghost, 1 spectre, 1 marshal, 1 operator and 2 bp

posted about 2 years ago

let's be honest right here skrossi is one of the hit-or-miss players from watching him play valorant for 2+ years i can easily say that his mental is one of the weakest out there he did carry GE for a long time but will he be able to prove himself in franchise?? that will require him to improve on another level against veterans with years of LAN experience

posted about 2 years ago

bro playing with fire up here get ready to be flamed by the fans 😭😭

posted about 2 years ago