still think it’s crazy no org has produced any type of badass 24/7 type content at the gaming house showing off the rad personality’s of todays greatest players of greatest currentest game in the esports era of sports eras.
will c9 do this maybe??
capital_d_colon [#2]La valiant kinda did it for overwatch.
we dont speak about the in n out incident though
that’s so fricken sick
100TBoeJiden [#3]that’s so fricken sick
it wasnt completely a reality tv show but it showed of alot more of the behind the scenes stuff with players coaches interacting
capital_d_colon [#4]it wasnt completely a reality tv show but it showed of alot more of the behind the scenes stuff with players coaches interacting
wow that’s rad should maybe do something like that huh????
or maybe zombs can do something sweet.