this is gonna be a good test for giants
Mortadelo [#5]Let's see, imo this is a test yes, but not more than BBL for example
nope parla smokes BBL, these parla players have better awarness imo
wohe [#12]dude giants made the best roster out of the spanish teams
I think koi>gia>th for now.
Koi have sheydos,trexx,koldamenta,starxo. All cracked af players. Giants dont look too far behind tho. They picked up the 2 best g2 players, the best ex Navi player and retained the best performing giants player. The only wildcard was rhyme who is looking amazing rn
wohe [#12]dude giants made the best roster out of the spanish teams
Well we haven’t seen KOI, and Heretics looked good against PRX with a week practice. I’m super happy with all the Spanish team’s rosters, I think they shut everyone’s mouth saying they didn’t deserve the spots meanwhile we got the Turks
Mortadelo [#5]Let's see, imo this is a test yes, but not more than BBL for example
what did i tell u my man, the turkish scene is just awfull these players are insane and aware and young players like jeyje and lauress and jlesrt are very smart but BBSHIT will keep playing with asslan the worst player in tier 1 tr
mave [#22]better than both bbl and fut
they just beat giants bro they are insane they can end 5th at least if they were at vct lmao
wohe [#21]what did i tell u my man, the turkish scene is just awfull these players are insane and aware and young players like jeyje and lauress and jlesrt are very smart but BBSHIT will keep playing with asslan the worst player in tier 1 tr
jeyjey not young bro
koromast [#23]they just beat giants bro they are insane they can end 5th at least if they were at vct lmao
dont know its very early a lot of franchise teams will improve probably, right now maybe