India vs Pakistan

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Kohli's worst format

It's Kohli's worst format but he is still in the top-performing players of all time along with some of the best test cricket players. Players from around the world have higher averages on South Asian pitches. Is it Kohli's fault that he was born in India and had to play 50% of his matches in the home grounds of India?

That entire statement is why cricket will die. Test cricket is and always will be the hardest and best form of the game.

Bro is out of touch with reality. Test cricket is what is killing cricket. Nobody has the time to watch a 5 day long game except unemployed people. Most employed people with jobs/students cannot afford to watch a match longer than 2-3 hours long.
Players can play all they want in empty stadiums and with 0 TV viewership. Nobody cares for an art form barely anyone can enjoy. Especially not ICC or the respective cricket boards of the countries involved.

Sure, playing long innings is tough in test format, but so is playing explosively in T20. Pujara used to be one of the best test players India has to offer but he barely plays in T20, what is the reason? He cannot play in high-pressure situations which you saw today.

Hitting boundaries and consecutive sixes on demand is not easy either. You could argue it's another form of art.

Some people cannot play test cricket some people cannot play T20. Guess who can play all of these competitively?

Modern formats like T20 is the only reason cricket is still relevant. I would not be surprised if test cricket would be gone altogether in the next 10 years. Nobody except unexplored cricket fnatics watch that stuff after all. It has a historical value and a different set of skills required to play it. Other than that, there is no need to romanticize test cricket. T20 also has a different skill set required to play and is much more suited for a more modern audience.


Spoken like your true armchair clueless cricket fan.
Thank you for proving my point in a very long winded paragraph.

Test cricket by the players is and always will be the pinacle of the game, and if you can find a player that doesnt agree with that you are a better man than me.

The shorter format is the one that players tend to play in there "twilight years" to make a bit of extra cash for retirement.


Love how you avoided my question when asked what level you play at.

Test cricket only has armchair cricket fans.

I personally do not watch cricket btw. I stopped watching this sport 5-6 years ago.

Test cricket by the players is and always will be the pinacle of the game

Man has a real fetish of wasting his time.


Lil bro read his username before typing essays
It says "wellinever"agree the fact


oh the level i play at is minor counties, just below the county scene in england.



Enjoy your dip in test cricket viewership that you hold so dear. Man is still stuck in the 1950s. Cannot accept that people have better things to do than watch 5 day games.


who said anything about viewership?
Its obvious that the viewership is bigger in shorter formats of the game lol. It caters more to the casual fan.....
My statement which you have clearly avoided is "find me a player who would say that test cricket isnt the pinacle of the game".

Also mans results are in india, where the IPL is huge and takes up everything.
Maybe base your facts on England and Australia, where you literally have to enter ballots and be selected to watch test matches.

Not all of us live in 3rd world countries and have to carry water from wells to bath.


Easiest semi final in history!
Congrats Kohli on another wonderful accolade.

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