To answer why GE is going international and will have only 1 indian in P5
these are GE's Indian roster's problem . am i wrong ??
1) KAPPA their sova/fade main has not reached radiant even once in whole lifetime (tracker stats : Current - Imm2 115RR , Peak Immo 475RR)
Leave ranked - he's inefficient in trading + 33 Y/O so peak wont some + boomer
2)HELLRANGER their IGL - breach abuser + dont like to take fight , whiffs a lot , good analyst + bad IGL (acc to APAC level )
3- SKILLZ - their smoker - has his peeks and his lows (can aim like tenz on a good day , like immo 1 on a bad day ) , + almost 27 so not as cracked + has less game sense (acc. to me might be wrong)
4- LIGHTNINGFAST - their entry/flex - dont know how to play neon (only plays raze /kay/o/flex) , little inconsistent sometimes , have proved in himself in india , but against APAC , only 1 memorable performance . has less game sense (acc. to me might be wrong)
(((potentially part of Playing 6)))
5-SKROSSI - main oper/jett - probably their best player , top 5 opers in SEA. overpeeks a lot with chamber , bad decision making , throws 3 v 1 , 3 v 2 situation by peeking . plays chamber like jett. (((potentially part of playing 5)))
5- KOHLII - was a replacement of kappa , not gotten any chances on team , + in uni 1st year (asian parents).
6 - COACH Eraser - big clown , took Kohlii in trails as he was the best team player , sova/fade main , now says 3 months later , he's not a good team player. What more to expect from a ex-fortnite pro ๐คก ๐คก ๐คก