Porto [#23]
Yeah selling-out is common business practice too? What is YOUR point?
Valorant isn't running at a loss. It will only run at a loss because Riot is trying to expand their Valorant Esports scene as quickly as possible, even at the cost of its quality.
Yes, let's just pray and hope that all the best players will enter a franchised team, and not only that, but pray that their synergy will remain the same. Then, get upset if anyone has any qualms about the uncertain future. What a joke. You act as if changing teams is as easy as changing clothes lol.
Mans is so pressed about something that we haven't even seen play out yet LOL. I understand what you're saying but to be profitible in any business you need to make choices that will benifit your vision in the long run. None of us truly understand Riots vision for the future because im sure they're being tight lipped about things.
In regards to players, Do you think that teams will just get the shittest players known to the scene, stick them on a team and hope for the best? You think Riot would allow this? cmon man, I get you're pressed about all of this but Riot has actually done a decent job of laying a path for Tier2. Its not like we wont see the Tier2 scene anymore, we just wont see Tier1 team vs Tier3 team 13-0ing them in open quals.