I would also say cNed too, to see that just take a look at both teams that they play for .. Ascend is just 2-3 month old team, however Sentinels is totaly complete team that playing together since beginning of the valorant competitive arena. Tbh Ascend managed to do that Liquid can not as a team. As a fan of cNed, i'd never expect Ascend to manage such a success like this, i mean lets be honest who expected really ? I know TenZ how makes everything looks so easy, I know we can talk about how talented TenZ is, like all day long. What i'm trying to say is, if there is a thing that we're able to compare these two, the field or the possibilities that they have. So in my perspective, cNed makes something impossible to possible with his teammates. I hope you get my point and sorry for my gramatical mistakes if there is any.