He has some kind of spine deformation?
I've notice that he always keeps his head down and when playing too
schlong [#3]go watch na/turals bcj video on vct youtube
thank you about information... I'll look it up later
pebu [#10]so what?
he is still better than you or I will ever be
go outside /closed
calm down I'm sure he didn't mean it in a offensive way
pebu [#10]so what?
he is still better than you or I will ever be
go outside /closed
I've said that was a legit question cuz I just want to know why he's like this, not saying that he's bad
kbkdark [#15]BRUH
I've said that was a legit question cuz I just want to know why he's like this, not saying that he's bad
ban incoming
asdfghjkl [#9]whens the tier list
damn thats pretty sad, hes a champ to go thru that tho jesus christ
Supr3meGucci [#20]Props to him. I've been having a bit of neck pain recently which is horrible, can't begin to imagine what a fused neck would be like.
Totally agree