FaZe Clan
FaZe Clan
Kevin Ngo
Anthony DiPaolo
Tanner Spanu
Andrej Francisty
Phat Le
has officially signed Thomas "Trippy"
Schappy as the team's head coach. He had been working with the team prior to his signing, culminating in the team's recent Challengers 3 success.

Trippy's leadership helped the team usher in its first tournament title with a Challengers 3 championship. Although the competition was played without four of North America's best teams, FaZe Clan had to defeat the surging Luminosity squad and First Strike champions 100 Thieves to take the tournament's crown.
This is the first official coach for FaZe Clan since the team was briefly led by Salah "salah" Barakat last fall.
Trippy doesn't have experience coaching Tier 1 teams in esports prior to his work with FaZe Clan, but has experience as a pugstar in another tactical shooter, according to the team's players.
In the most recent episode of the Plat Chat Valorant podcast, FaZe Operator specialist Andrej "BABYBAY" Francisty explained that Trippy was first introduced to the team as BABYBAY's friend from a much older tactical shooter, Crossfire.
He started working with the team around First Strike, according to BABYBAY, helping the team out as a sort of analyst. The team later trialed some coaches and Trippy stepped back, which BABYBAY said caused FaZe to underperform. BABYBAY told Plat Chat that Trippy took over the reigns of coaching FaZe again after their Challengers 2 elimination to XSET.
FaZe are now on a four-match win streak heading into Masters after an undefeated Challengers 3 run. They'll begin with a rematch against XSET tomorrow.
FaZe Clan
FaZe Clan
Kevin Ngo
Anthony DiPaolo
Tanner Spanu
Andrej Francisty
Phat Le
is now: