Can we stop hating on DRX and for that matter every team? They’re trying their best and that’s what makes such highly competitive tournaments.
Rent Free
SourceAvocado [#3]Rent Free
Stratos [#12]DRX dick rider really went from "They are going to win Masters" into "They are doing their best" 💀
Stratos [#12]DRX dick rider really went from "They are going to win Masters" into "They are doing their best" 💀
I’m an optic fan lol
Stratos [#12]DRX dick rider really went from "They are going to win Masters" into "They are doing their best" 💀
I mean we understood that bro
Why do they get a free pass from criticism when they are ‘mid’. They are literally middle of the pack, someone needs to fill that spot and they fitting perfectly, snuggled up and comfortable 6th place.
Nothing wrong with that.
But when people overhype them just like people are doing to EDG rn. They create their own demise.
It’s not once btw.
Berlin 5th-8th - (it’s their first lan we cut them some slack, still pretty good, they lost only to gambit)
Champs 9th-12th - (they were favourable to get out of groups, both fnc and c9 went out first match in playoffs 🤷♂️)
Iceland 5th-6th - (they lost to zeta and optic, rough but it’s not like DRX couldnt have come back against zeta, they are not free from blame, objectively. They were one of the favourites to win here).
Copenhagen 5th -6th - ( almost lost a 9-3 lead to silly mistakes vs leviathan. Sleeping on the wheel. As usual they lose to optic and find a reason to play poor as fuck vs FPX. It’s like they weren’t even trying. Fundamentals out of the window and it’s the worst I’ve seen them play. Bad day, bad mental, whatever you wanna call it. It was bad. That the difference between top teams and DRX. )
After this, you find me a reason why I should stop “hating (more like unbiased)” them when it’s the clear cut truth.
HaSanity [#20]Why do they get a free pass from criticism when they are ‘mid’. They are literally middle of the pack, someone needs to fill that spot and they fitting perfectly, snuggled up and comfortable 6th place.
Nothing wrong with that.
But when people overhype them just like people are doing to EDG rn. They create their own demise.
It’s not once btw.
Berlin 5th-8th - (it’s their first lan we cut them some slack, still pretty good, they lost only to gambit)
Champs 9th-12th - (they were favourable to get out of groups, both fnc and c9 went out first match in playoffs 🤷♂️)
Iceland 5th-6th - (they lost to zeta and optic, rough but it’s not like DRX couldnt have come back against zeta, they are not free from blame, objectively. They were one of the favourites to win here).
Copenhagen 5th -6th - ( almost lost a 9-3 lead to silly mistakes vs leviathan. Sleeping on the wheel. As usual they lose to optic and find a reason to play poor as fuck vs FPX. It’s like they weren’t even trying. Fundamentals out of the window and it’s the worst I’ve seen them play. Bad day, bad mental, whatever you wanna call it. It was bad. That the difference between top teams and DRX. )
After this, you find me a reason why I should stop “hating (more like unbiased)” them when it’s the clear cut truth.
Thats the thing, no one overhypes them, people definitely used too, but at this point everyone, including drx fans, have accepted that they are mid. But despite no one overhyping them people continue too hate on them for no reason.
HaSanity [#20]Why do they get a free pass from criticism when they are ‘mid’. They are literally middle of the pack, someone needs to fill that spot and they fitting perfectly, snuggled up and comfortable 6th place.
Nothing wrong with that.
But when people overhype them just like people are doing to EDG rn. They create their own demise.
It’s not once btw.
Berlin 5th-8th - (it’s their first lan we cut them some slack, still pretty good, they lost only to gambit)
Champs 9th-12th - (they were favourable to get out of groups, both fnc and c9 went out first match in playoffs 🤷♂️)
Iceland 5th-6th - (they lost to zeta and optic, rough but it’s not like DRX couldnt have come back against zeta, they are not free from blame, objectively. They were one of the favourites to win here).
Copenhagen 5th -6th - ( almost lost a 9-3 lead to silly mistakes vs leviathan. Sleeping on the wheel. As usual they lose to optic and find a reason to play poor as fuck vs FPX. It’s like they weren’t even trying. Fundamentals out of the window and it’s the worst I’ve seen them play. Bad day, bad mental, whatever you wanna call it. It was bad. That the difference between top teams and DRX. )
After this, you find me a reason why I should stop “hating (more like unbiased)” them when it’s the clear cut truth.
Why do they get a free pass from criticism when they are ‘mid’.
They don’t lol, do you see the threads everyday criticizing them? All I’m saying is that they aren’t that bad and people are trying their hardest to hold onto the narrative that they get overhyped every event, even though most people placed them at 5-6th before Copenhagen. They haven’t been overhyped since losing to OpTic in Reykjavik. I don’t see other teams like XIA or KRU who place ‘mid’ consistently getting this much hate as well.
Sprouts [#22]Why do they get a free pass from criticism when they are ‘mid’.
They don’t lol, do you see the threads everyday criticizing them? All I’m saying is that they aren’t that bad and people are trying their hardest to hold onto the narrative that they get overhyped every event, even though most people placed them at 5-6th before Copenhagen. They haven’t been overhyped since losing to OpTic in Reykjavik. I don’t see other teams like XIA or KRU who place ‘mid’ consistently getting this much hate as well.
I made a thread on kru don’t u worry about that, no one is free from criticism.
Sushi_ [#21]Thats the thing, no one overhypes them, people definitely used too, but at this point everyone, including drx fans, have accepted that they are mid. But despite no one overhyping them people continue too hate on them for no reason.
Yea I agree, unnecessary hate is always unnecessary.