List your Rank and the agents you main. Putting something together.
imm3 chamber/fade
skye/fade gold 3/plat1
Unranked Demon Fade/Phoenix/Omen
havent been ranked since ep4 but I peaked s2
Haven't touched this game in decades
Imm2 Astra
ascendant 1 kayo
I main Pho/sova
dont want to discrete my rank
Plastic 18 Jonesy
Styling911 [#8] I main Pho/sova dont want to discrete my rank
I'll fill you in as silver/gold
Diamond 3 Fill/Kayo
Plat3 - Omen/Brimstone; KayO/Sova
immo 1, dont main anything rn, play everything. was kayo
Lmao where tf are all these support players in my games, love to see it. I swear I always load into 3 duelists and chamber then I get to decide whether I get to spend 40min of my life with or without smokes :) Sova/Skye imm2
plat 3 play sova/skye/fade/breach
Controller main Gold 1
immortal 1, raze, sova, brim
d2 kayo, (former) chamber, sova, fade, most support actually
asc 3 all controller