share the players who you think are underrated here
Thief on LG, Kaboose on NV, I want to say someone on IMM but everyone is aware that their god fraggers, Relyks on C9, Steel on 100t, still much to prove but Koosta on Gen.G is cracked, Rebo on MR was really good, Curry on T1 is obviously one of the best young talents but hes constantly forced on sentinels, and PLAYER1
Fat_Lard [#17]KANPEKI. I've said it multiple times now but I still don't understand how this man isn't signed to 1 tier 2 org. Then you got Sharky, supamen, c4Lypso, Crashies(?), Will from BBG, corey from FaZe(?), nismo from Ghost and Aleksander from EG
good list, crashies abdo(c4lapsyo) are fairly rated, corey fairly rated, will isnt insane tbh nismo and aleks are both fking nutty
greedeetv [#6]GENG Shawn, SSG roca, TSM Drone, Kanpeki (on Spot Up I think), POACH (previously on ABX)
SSG and spot up don't exist anymore sadge