-Jonn +mwzera -xand +TenZ
9z Zombs
-Jonn +jzz -xand +redgar
-Xand +trembo -jonn +mwzera
meyournightmare [#4] -Xand +trembo -jonn +mwzera
NIP down so bad. I just hope they lose this match outright
I dont watch a lot of BR but when I do I always see Jonn performing bad. Is he even good at all?
watching NIP frustrates the hell out of me, it's always a 5 man hit, with no map control, no util baited out. my diamond games have more strats than this
Barre [#7] I dont watch a lot of BR but when I do I always see Jonn performing bad. Is he even good at all?
Jonn just know how to press W, he doesnt have a brain
BNJ getting his revenge huh
+bnj 😅