TV shows you're looking forward to watch the most?

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I'm bored, and since we got a couple of days until LCQ, thought I'd post something off topic. There are some absolutely stacked tv shows on the horizon. Currently only watching Better Call Saul S6 and finished The Boys S3 recently, but here is what I'm looking forward to the most (in order from most to least):

  1. House of the Dragon - Definitely my most hyped show atm. Big fan of Game of Thrones and ASOIAF. I have not read Fire & Blood though, so there will be a lot of new stuff for me. Despite the piece of shit that was S7 and S8, I'm very excited because I love the Targaryen bloodline. Trailers and behind the scenes stuff looks fantastic. Episode 1 premiere has garnered a lot of praise, which raised my hype even higher. The best part though is that Dumb and Dumber are no where near this. Helps that GRRM is heavily involved this time (Thank God).

  2. Chainsaw Man - Unfortunately still no release date, but it might be soon with that trailer coming up. I absolutely loved the manga and am currently enjoying Part 2 as well. Stacked cast working on this anime and should easily be the most hyped anime of the year. It's been a long time since I've been hyped for an anime this much. I've been burnt out of anime for over a year now, but this should be a grand return.

  3. Vinland Saga Season 2 - While not getting anywhere near as much hype as Chainsaw Man, it is still gonna be an absolute banger. Season 2 will take place during my favorite arc in manga history, Slave/Farm Arc. It's so different from season 1, but I fucking love it. I already anime onlies won't enjoy it nearly as much since there is a lot less savagery and violence (still exists of course).

  4. Andor - With the sludge waste Disney has been producing for Star Wars recently (besides The Mandalorian), I was planning to stay clear of this show. However, the first trailer was genuinely great, and it actually LOOKED like Star Wars. Also helps that I did enjoy Rogue One. I'm hoping it has a much gritter tone similar to the movie rather than what they've made recently. Kenobi and Boba Fett were actually awful, and the only reason I watched the Boba Fett show was because of Mando. Also, finally off Tatooine. Good Riddance.

  5. The Sandman - Saw the trailer and thought it looked interesting. Was very edgy, but the visual effects and the performances were solid, so it has caught my attention. I know it's an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's comics, who is heavily involved with the show. It'll be the only show here that is on Netflix, so I'll just settle a date and binge it.

  6. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Want to preface that I'm not a super hardcore Tolkien fan. I've read The Hobbit and the LotR trilogy, but not the Silmarillion (yet). From what I've seen in the trailers, the visuals and sets look great, but that's not what I care about. I'm extremely nervous about the writing/dialogue that will be present in this show and how faithful they are with Tolkien. Considering the main 2 writers have nearly 0 prior experience, my expectations are pretty damn low. I'm not expecting a lot, but I hope it turns out to be good, but I doubt it tbh.


Can you highlight the titles for my adhd folks


better call saul new episode!


the boys season 3


House of the dragons

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