Lowest IQ team I've ever seen, even makes NA seem smart
deluxton [#6]Breaking news: Bronze player calls grand finalist team low IQ
I don't even play this game anymore lmao was im1 which is radiant APAC
Pixsy [#10]the irons are out
Imagine playing this dogshit game in the first place lmao
Sold my Immortal 1 account for 500$ last year
sebastianuy [#9]actually cringe to watch, no strats, running around relying on timings and aim duels all the time + abusing odin when enemy wins 3 rounds in a row
yeah it's average competitive strats, once they ran into a wall they lose.
Freudzcsgo [#12]Imagine playing this dogshit game in the first place lmao
Sold my Immortal 1 account for 500$ last year
Name checks out
Freudzcsgo [#8]Salty APAC lmao
It was a good match and FPX came out on top
You acting as if it was a complete blowout
Freudzcsgo [#14]yeah it's average competitive strats, once they ran into a wall they lose.
it was always the same and if they got denied they rotated asap to the other site without even thinking on map control
ShyftNot1 [#19]they didn't peek one by one. he got 1 kill and d4v4i wanted to trade him but didn't realize that he didn't enter site yet. so he died without his team able to trade him. and the duelists peeked together but for the first time in tourney probably, both of them got out-aimed back to back.
high iq
Reflex_ [#18]yall were dickriding them till a few hours ago lol, at least show some respect to your favorite team
but they lost so their playstyle is dumb, reeeeeeeeeee