This guy bro....
Confused unga bunga
hes fucking dogshit
dude is so clueless
hes so dogshit
incoming 'thats how he plays the game' nerds
bro he better be the best igl in the world to stay on that team cuz hes 10x worse than fns lmao
He needs more prep
worst player in the tournament. Without Shao and Suygetsu, he'd be staying home
threw so fucking hard.
iceman [#7] incoming 'thats how he plays the game' nerds
youre right, done with that.
hes probably a good igl but his decision making is baffling
i dont think even fpx fans can defend that , that was a horrible throw
The tp was actually dogshit you know fade has a spectre, keeping distance is the best bet even if you tp to B main to hold spike, USE A SMOKE OR SMTH like dont tp in the open like bronze ranked lmao this guy said it and everyone was clowning on him lmao