isnt it more likely to see loud play group stage now considering Kru lose to leviatan and they play Nip next or kru and nip is equally good?
LOUD vs OpTic rematch in Group Stage would be sick to kick off Copenhagen
yeah it would be cool
If KRU can`t even beat Leviatan, y would they beat NIP?
lmao you think leviatan players stood idly this whole time? They surely improved.
But I'm cheering for NIP
No they did not, neither did NIP or KRU players... Still think NIP is better than Leviatan and KRU.
that's just your opinion
Temos um Xeroque Rolmes aqui, descobriu que a opinião que eu dei é minha... tu é bom mesmo em resolver questões lógicas hein.
i believe leviatan improved
and kru really just shit the bed today