usually Riot teases the next agent/map in the current battlepass. I don't see any teases this time. does that mean there is a chance there won't be a new agent next act? anyone can think of a reason why? maybe launch of new esports mode?
plenty of agents as there is, only another controller and sentinel is really needed. no reason to make it like league, we dont need a new agent every act
I mean they said theyre gonna constantly release agents untill they’re happy with the number of agents every act. I personally think 2 more and they should stop releasing them so often.
I don’t know where you got this ideea from. There were other agents that weren’t teased in the past. Besides you can’t even know, maybe they teased it but it’s not so obvious.
I don't think anyone is particularly bothered... there's a bunch of cool new stuff in the game already that we've only scratched the surface of, let Riot focus on quality instead of trying to release agents super fast to please people for no reason.