North American LCQ circuit points

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I hear all this about can Sen get into LCQ, or can C9, or can TSM play again? Whelp, I'm here to help answer that question. OF course LCQ points are not finalized , but they are close. Here are the North America LCQ points:

Few notes first -

North America has had 14 teams participate that have received circuit points. Of these, two were in stage 1 and didn't make stage 2, another two were new in stage 2 replacing them. This is V1 and Knights (S1), Ghost and TSM (S2). As a result these teams have much less wiggle room.

OpTic, from what I heard, are guaranteed to play in Champs with their M1 win. I'm not 100% sure, don't patronize me for this. Regardless they hold 750 points, which is obviously enough to guarantee champs in itself.

Because there are still games, some teams have not guaranteed playoffs yet. There with be a range of scores presented in (# - #) for non playoff teams, and [# - #] for playoff teams.

The max stage 2 points is 65. That is 3rd place. I'm not going into the politics of who will get to M2, but they will of course receive more than that 65 points.

Finally, FaZe got Rise's points from stage 1 (have 2 of the former Rise team in POISED and Supamen, 100T has Derrek, NYFU has Neptune, Shanks is still unemployed)

Here is the points and their spreads :
Optic : 750 + [35 - 65] = ~785 - 805
Guard : 200 + (15 - 65] = ~215 - 265 235+ if they beat NRG
C9 : 50 + (15 - 65] = ~50 - 115 85+ if they beat Luminosity
XSET : 45 + [35 - 65] = ~80 - 110
Sentinels : 30 + (15 - 20) = ~45 - 50 45 if C9 ever wins, 50 is C9 loses both of their next games
Luminosity : 35 + (15 - 65] = ~50 - 100 70+ if they beat C9 or OpTic (its deeper than this ; I just don't care)
100T : 15 + [35 - 65] = ~50 - 80
NRG : 15 + (15 - 65)= ~30 - 80 50+ if they beat both 100T and Guard, 35 if they lose the rest and so does TSM, 30 if they lose 2 and TSM wins
EG : 10 + [35 - 65] = ~45 - 75
FaZe :10 + (15 - 65] = ~25 - 65 45+ if C9 lose either against Luminosity or Sen, 25 if C9 wins both and FaZe lose to EG

Knights : 30
V1 : 35

TSM : 15 - 20
Ghost 35 - 65

Reality section :
For this, I'm just gonna say the bottom places are NRG, TSM, SEN, and C9 (or Faze, I just like FaZe more)

This would end up with the 14 teams ranked like this, for 8 LCQ spots. just approximate, cause idgaf

1 - OpTic : 750
2 - Gaurd : 235
Auto in champs off points

80 - XSET
70 - Luminosity
65 - C9
55 - EG
50 - 100T
45 - FaZe

45 - Sen
35 - NRG

35 - Ghost
35 - V1
30 - Knights
15 - TSM

Italics means they can go from 35 basically up to over 65, automatically in LCQ in an 8 team format.

TSM, V1, and Knights have no way of making an 8 team format

So Hopium time :
Can Sen make an 8 team LCQ?

If one of the following occurs : FaZe don't make playoffs (30 points) or if NRG lose one more match and don't make playoffs.

So what have we learned? V1 fans need to kinda just wrap up into a blanket and cry a little, and Sen fans need to break either s0m's or Dicey's index fingers.



good read tbh
even if you just read the "reality section" to the end its solid

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